Analysis of arterial streets capacity in Frankivskyy district of Lviv city

Students Name: Duma Vitalii Volodymyrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Traffic Control and Organization
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Duma V.V., Vikovych I.A. (supervisor). Analysis of arterial streets capacity in Frankivskyy district of Lviv city. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. The efficiency of the road network is assessed by many factors, including traffic safety, traffic intensity, traffic density, travel time, roadway parameters, geometric parameters of streets, environmental characteristics of traffic flows, vehicle delays, and capacity of road network [1-3]. Factors that affect the capacity of streets include the number and width of lanes, type and condition of the road surface, the presence of longitudinal slopes, weather and climatic conditions, the presence of street parking, unsignalized pedestrian crosswalks, unorganized public transport stops, limited visibility, and availability of bottlenecks, etc. [4-6]. The study of the capacity of three arterial streets in the Frankivsk district of Lviv. Through field research, the main indicators of traffic flow were collected - traffic intensity and traffic flow composition, as well as the existing traffic conditions on the studied streets. Having found the partial coefficients of capacity reduction based on the studied traffic conditions, the capacity of the studied main streets was calculated. After that, volume-capacity ratios on the sections of the main streets, which are considered in the work, are calculated. The forecast of traffic intensity at the studied areas for the perspective periods - 5, 10 and 15 years at different growth rates of traffic intensity - 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 was made. After that, volume-capacity ratios on the studied streets for the perspective periods and for different growth rates of traffic intensity were calculated and it was determined for which sections it is necessary to develop measures to increase the capacity and in which period. Study object – arterial streets in the Frankivsk district of Lviv. Scope of research – traffic conditions on the street and road network in the Frankivsk district of Lviv. Goal of research: to study the efficiency of the capacity of arterial streets by determining volume-capacity ratios of these streets, as well as forecasting traffic conditions for the future. As a result of the research, the capacity of the arterial streets in the Frankivsk district of Lviv was determined, volume-capacity ratios for these streets were calculated for the current period, as well as for the perspective periods of 5, 10 and 15 years. Keywords: traffic flow, traffic intensity, field research, capacity, volume-capacity ratio, traffic intensity forecasting. References. 1. Kurinnui, O. M. (2018). Vplyv transportno-planuvalnoho vuzla na yakist obsluhovuvannia vulychno-dorozhnoi merezhi. Mistobuduvannia ta terytorialne planuvannia, 67, 235 – 239. 2. Kozlova, A.R., Litomin, Ye.V. (2019). Vyznachennia vplyvu funktsionuvannia transportnoi merezhi na mahistralni potoky. Materialy vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity i molodykh vchenykh “Perspektyvy rozvytku terytoriy: teoriya i praktyka”, 22–23 lystopada 2019 roku, 221 – 223. 3. Stepanchuk, O.V., Stepanchuk, S.O. (2016). Otsinka kryteriiv efektyvnosti funktsionuvannia vulychno-dorozhnoi merezhi mista. Problemy rozvytku miskoho seredovyshcha, 2, 87 – 97. 4. Ozutker, M.S. (2013). Otsinka propusknoi zdatnosti vyluchno-dorozhnoi merezhi v systemi upravlinnia dorozhnim rukhom. Vostochno-Evropeiskiy zhurnal peredovykh tekhnologiy, 6, 38 – 42. 5. Velykodnyi, D.O., Diachenko, V.O. (2015). Otsinka propusknoi zdatnosti mahistralnykh dorih mista Kryvoho Rohu v ymovakh rostu intensyvnosti rukhu. Tekhnichnyi servis ahropromyslovoho, lisovoho ta transportnoho kompleksiv, 3, 70 – 74. 6. National Research Council. (2000). Highway capacity manual. The National Academy of Sciences.