"Current trends in the architecture design of noise-protected housing for the construction of urban highways (with the development of a project of apartment buildings on Kulparkivska-Sadova streets in Lviv)".

Students Name: Pivtorak Yuliia Valeriivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Architecture and Town Planning
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: PivtorakY.V., Dzhyhil Y.E. (supervisor). Current trends in the architecture of noise-protected housing for the construction of urban highways with the development of a project of apartment buildings on Kulparkivska-Sadova streets in Lviv. Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2021. To date, there are many ways and methods of protection against traffic noise, because the topic is relevant and necessary. The increase in the number of traffic flows is taken into account in the design of each new building. After all, people are ready to buy expensive, luxury housing, which should be provided with dissonant comfort. On the one hand, the convenience lies in the close location of the housing to the highway, transport stops, and on the other hand, the normative acoustics of residential premises is valued, which is impossible without additional measures to protect against traffic noise. The problem of traffic noise has been developing and improving in parallel with the industrial construction process since 1960 and to this day. Today, there are powerful tools for modeling the propagation of noise (sound waves, isobar) in an architectural environment, based on computer technology and programs, which was previously impossible. The fight against traffic noise is divided into three main areas: directly at the source of the noise, or by spreading it into the environment or at the facility itself. To achieve the most effective result, these areas are combined. Of particular importance now are measures such as urban planning (when the problem is tried to solve immediately when it appears when thinking about entire neighborhoods), and structural, technical and architectural planning (used in existing buildings and new buildings, where the urban situation is already formed and can not be modified) or their combined use. The main purpose of these measures is: to improve sanitary and hygienic conditions and increase the comfort of living in residential buildings located along highways and on the territory of the building behind these houses; more rational use of territories near highway, in comparison with the existing practice; increasing the economic efficiency of design solutions for noise-protected buildings through the rational use of typological buildings, both with special architecturure and planning, and with structural and technical means of noise protection; and in general improving the quality of architecture of mass housing in cities. Studies show that one of the best means of noise protection is the construction of public buildings with a shielding effect, which maximally absorb sound due to engineering and technical means and create acoustic shadow. Based on the rules of noise protection, such houses are classified: • the degree of protection from traffic noise due to architectural and planning decisions: - houses in which all living quarters are located on the side of the sound shadow (complete sound insulation); - houses in which common rooms of 3-, 4-, 5-room apartments (partial noise insulation) face the highway. • According to the degree of isolation of living space from the environment: - with natural air exchange in living quarters of apartments (open air mode of operation); - with artificial air exchange (closed air operation mode). • By location on the site and orientation of living space: - for the construction of the southern, eastern and western sides of the highway; - for the construction of the northern side of the latitudinal highway; - for the construction of both northern and southern, eastern and western sides of highways (universal). The most effective use of houses with a shielding effect can be traced in the architectural and compositional schemes, the specificity of which is to comply with the requirements for protection against traffic noise of apartments and interior areas. It is recommended to use compositions that combine linear spatial schemes and systems of interconnected yards. House compositions should be built on a combination of closed and partially closed volumes (atrium, U-shaped). Sanitary and hygienic living conditions are considered as the relationship of acoustic and microclimatic (air-thermal regime, insolation, lighting) environmental indicators. Based on research, it has been found that the greatest difficulties are associated with the design of houses for the construction of the northern side of latitudinal highways, and how the requirements for insolation of residential buildings contradict the requirements of their noise protection. Functional features of noise-protected houses are connected with compositional decisions of apartments, at apartment communications, placement of the enterprises of public and amateur service of the population, zoning of adjacent spaces. There are two main types of space planning solutions: in one and in different levels. It is considered the best, from the point of view of noise isolation - one-level apartments with one-sided arrangement of living quarters from an acoustic shadow where the greatest noise isolation from the highway, adjacent apartments, apartment communications and a public part of the house, and also more convenient microclimatic and pedestrian communication intra-quarter space. Noise protection conditions are created in noise-protected buildings, which should not be inferior to the usual types of residential buildings in terms of the complex of sanitary-hygienic and functional-household indicators of comfort. Since houses near highways can be seen from at least three sides, and can often stand at intersections and be seen from all sides, we must not forget about their aesthetics and architectural and artistic expression. In the modern sense, noise insulation of residential premises is a set of measures to reduce or reduce to "zero" the noise level. This task creates a unique atypical project, which is regulated by relevant regulations. Key words: noise protection, noise, highway, protection measures, improvement. Sources 1. Boholepov I.I. Modern ways to combat noise in buildings and residential areas. // 2008. 2. Husev N.M. Fundamentals of construction physics. //M.: Stroyizdat, 1975. 439 pages. 3. Dzhyhil Y.E. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of architecture // Noise-protected residential buildings for the construction of urban highways, 1985. 24 pages.