Alternating current single-phase commutator motor for power tools. Optimization research

Students Name: Strus Vasyl Vasylovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Electromechanical Automation Systems and Electric Drive
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: ABSTRACT OF THE MASTER’S THESIS Strus V.V.Alternating current single-phase commutator motor of power tools.Optimization research, 65pages, 3tables, 16figures, 15 bibliographicreferences. Supervisor - Senior Research Fellow, PhD, associate professor Kharchyshyn Bohdan Mykhailovych. The object of research of this qualification work is the processes of electromagnetic conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy of rotational motion. The subject of the study is the аlternating current single-phase commutator motor of power tools. The purpose of the work is to propose the design of a collector motor of alternating current of series excitation for operation in long-term mode. In the first section of the master’s qualification work the structure and principle of operation of collector electric machines of alternating current are considered, the review of modern designs of single-phase collector motors of electromagnetic excitation is executed[1]. In the second section the substantiation of the accepted design decisions is carried out. The question of execution of the engine in the set limited overall diameter is solved. The classic design is selected, which provides the required electromagnetic moment, with a longitudinal flow of cooling air, unprotected version of IP20 with protection against ingress of particles larger than 12 mm and without protection against water ingress [2]. According to the method of cooling - IС01 with free circulation of refrigerant under the action of a fan mounted on the rotor shaft. According to the mounting method IM5101 - without bearing plates with a cylindrical bearing surface, with a rotor with any location in space, with one output cylindrical end of the shaft. The third section presents the results of electromagnetic calculation, selected the main dimensions of the motor, the type of armature winding, calculated the toothed area, determined the size of the magnetic circuit, the air gap between the armature and the pole. The calculation of the magnetic system taking into account the magnetization curve of steel sections of magnetic circuits of the magnetic circuit is performed. The calculation of the collector is performed, the brushes and brush holders are selected, the switching is checked, the losses and the return coefficient are calculated, and the calculation and construction of the engine performance characteristics are performed [3]. The fourth section is devoted to thermal calculation. It is performed according to simplified formulas for long-term steady state. The set values of overheating of the main elements of the engine do not exceed the permissible values for insulation class F. In the fifth section, optimization studies and calculations are performed and a comparative analysis of possible options is performed. On the basis of the basic variant of calculation of the single-phase collector motor calculation of eight more variants is carried out and their losses and return coefficients are analyzed. The results of the calculations are summarized in a comparative table and conclusions are made about the possibility of their practical application. Keywords:аlternating current commutator motor,single-phase collector motor, design optimization, efficiency, losses in copper, losses in steel. Referenses: 1. Електричні машини: підручник / М. А. Яцун ; Нац. ун-т «Львів. політехніка». – Л. : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2011. – 461, с. 2. Попічко В. В. Проектування електричних машин постійного струму: Навч. посібник: – Львів.: Видавництво НУ “Львівська політехніка”, 2004. – 584 с. 3. Ткачук В.І. Автоматизоване проектування колекторних двигунів постійного струму. Навчальний посібник. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2005. – 348 с.