Automated electric drive of excavator digging process

Students Name: Turchinjak Petro Myroslavovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Electromechanical Automation Systems and Electric Drive
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Turchinyak P.M., Tsyapa V.B. (supervisor) Automated electric drive of excavator digging process. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended annotation In the introduction the problem of automation of processes of digging of single- bucket excavators for the purpose of reduction of duration of loading of a bucket for increase of productivity is carried out. The first section describes the design features of the structure of the kinematics of the digging mechanisms of the excavator-shovel, made a brief description of the technological process of the mechanisms during loading of the bucket [5,6]. In the second section on the basis of the analysis of features of operating modes of the main working mechanisms of the excavator requirements to formation of mechanical characteristics of mechanisms of digging of the excavator of a shovel are formulated. The use of electric drive of the main mechanisms of the excavator with the formation of the so-called "excavator mechanical characteristics" with a cutoff coefficient, which should be in the range of Kvids = 0.75-0.8, which allows to form the operation of digging drives with the highest productivity [4]. The third section reviews the schemes of the power part of the electric drive of the excavator, which can be used to power the engines of the digging mechanisms. The analysis of control systems of such electric drives is given. Power supply systems for generator excitation windings for regulating the value of their output voltage are described [2,3,6]. The fourth section is devoted to the description of the schematic diagram of the electric drive of the lifting mechanism [5], which is used on E2503 excavators operated in quarries. This electric drive is implemented by the GD system with an outdated circuit of excitation of the generator from the magnetic amplifier, which is the summation of feedback on current and voltage. The fifth section describes the electric drive scheme, which was used in the development of the system of automation of the process of excavator mechanisms during digging. The formation of static and dynamic characteristics of the lifting drive is carried out through the use of a control system of the subordinate type with an internal control circuit of the armature current and an external voltage circuit [1]. The operation of the automatic digging system using the lifting force measuring unit is described. The sixth section describes the circuit of the electric drive system GD with thyristor generator exciter. The operation of individual blocks of the pulse-phase control system is described. The seventh section is devoted to the calculation of engine power, drive load diagram and check the engine for heat [5,6]. In the eighth section the parameters of the electric drive and control system are calculated, which allow to form the necessary static and dynamic characteristics. According to the calculated parameters, the results of the study of dynamic characteristics in the environment of MATLAB packages are given [10] Study object - is electric drives for digging shovel excavators. Scope ofresearch - is the formation of mechanical characteristics of excavator digging mechanisms. Goal of research - is to increase the productivity of the excavator by optimizing the parameters of the signals of the task of electric drives digging. Keywords: single bucket excavator, block diagram, dynamic characteristics, subordinate control system, separate control. References. 1. Попович М.Г., Лозинський О.Ю., Клепіков В.Б. та ін. За ред. Поповича М. Г., Лозинського О.Ю. Електромеханічні системи автоматичного керування та електроприводи: Навч. посібник. – К.: Либідь, 2005. – 680 с. 2. М.Г.Попович, М.Г.Борисюк, В.А.Гаврилюк Теорія електропривода: Підручник / За ред.М.Г.Поповича.-К.:Вища шк., 1993.-414 с. 3. Ключев В.И. Терехов В.М. Електропривод и автоматизация промышленных механизмов: Учебник для вузов. -М.: Энергия, 1980.- 360 с. 4. Соколов М.М. Автоматизированный электропривод общепромышленных механизмов, М. ’’Энергия’’, 1969, изд. 2-е, переработанное и доп., 544 с. 5. Дранников В.Г., Звягин И.Е. Атоматизированный электропривод подъемно-транспортных машин. Учеб. Пособие для вузов, М., ’’Высшая школа’’, 1973.-80 с. 6. Бариев Н.В. Електрооборудование одноковшовых экскаваторов -М.: Энергия, 1980.-296 с. 7. Вуль Ю.Я., Ключев В.И., Седаков Л.В. Наладка электроприводов экскаваторов. -М. ’’Недра’’, 1975.-312 с. 8. Справочник по автоматизированному электроприводу / Под ред. В.А.Елисеева и А.В.Шинянского.М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1987.-616 с. 9. Ю.Я. Вуль, Ю.Т. Калашников, А.В. Сапилов, И.М. Харахаш. М.. Одноковшовые экскаваторы НКМЗ, Недра, 1998, -189 с. 10. А.О. Лозинський, В.І. Мороз, Я.С. Паранчук Розв’язування задач електромеханіки в середовищах пакетів MathCAD і MATLAB: Навчальний посібник - Львів: Видавництво НУ”ЛП”, 2000.