Analysis of the results of geodetic control over the subsidence of structures on the territory of the first block of the Khmelnitsky NPP

Students Name: Halamai Ihor Ihorovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Geodesy
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Galamai I.I., Tserklevych A.L. (headteacher). Analysis of the results of geodetic control over the subsidence of structures on the territory of the first block of the Khmelnitsky NPP.- Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Expanded annotation. Due to the design features, natural conditions and human activities - buildings in general and their separate elements are giving way to various types of deformation. Under the deformation of buildings and structures we are understanding that as the change in the spatial points position of the structure, its parts or the whole structure in general. These changes take place in time under the influence of external and internal forces [1]. The deformations determine for assessing the stability of the structure, verifying the correctness of the design calculations, identifying causes and patterns for predicting deformations and taking measures to ensure the normal condition of the structure [2,3]. During and after construction process the deformations of buildings and structures are monitored. The observations include measurements sediments and base of the foundations and are determined by high-precision geodetic methods and instruments for preventive measures, investigation of the deformation’s influence on the normal state of the process, study deformations in order to develop methods for their prediction and elimination. As a special supervision, these issues are addressed in the monitoring studies of nuclear power plants and hydropower stations. [4,5,6]. The purpose of the master’s degree work is to study the foundations sinking of the first reactor block structures of the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant and their analysis, which will make it possible to identify not only the deformation values but also to take preventive measures for the normal operation of engineering works and technological equipment. The object of the study is the first block of the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant. The subject of the study is geodetic work on monitoring the foundations sinking of the first block structures of the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant. In the Master’s degree work we consider the method of monitoring the sediments of the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant structures, and carry out the results of the measurements and their evaluation. An overview of the work includes a general description of the area of work: physical and geographical description, geological and hydrological conditions, technical characteristics of an observation objects and requirements for precipitation accuracy. An analysis of the Ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine regulatory documents are provided, taking into account the specifics of the observation in the conditions of construction and exploitation of nuclear power plants. The constructions are given settling marks and the results of research and verification of the leveling H-05 and leveling at all. The research part deals with the high-altitude geodetic base and describes the materials (input data) as results of precipitation observations and deformation of buildings and structures of first Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant block. Here is citing criteria for the assessment of the ground floor deformation of HNPP buildings and structures. The methodology is described for precipitation monitoring and is determinated the average draught and the foundation roll of the first HNPP reactor compartment which is based on observation cycles from 1985. The observation was carried out by means of a short-beam geometric levelling method which provides high accuracy and sufficient speed under difficult conditions of constant vibration and over a wide range of temperatures with negative side effects: almost impossible to automate, incomplete transfer of information. [6]. According to the observation results obtained, graphs of the change of average precipitation and the RV-1 roll were constructed. The features of prostrates development and columns deformation of the mashzal, building foundations structures of the chemical workshop are considered. The results were used to analyze the prospectus of the observed objects. Also in the master’s degree work we examine the organization and economics of geodetic works. The organizational part describes the geodetic work in terms of organization. The economic part is compiled of estimates for the work. The main conclusions are given in the final part of the master’s qualification work. Keywords: Khmelnytska NPP, foundation sediment, method of geometric leveling with a short beam, leveling marks and repeaters, leveling H-05. References 1. Avakyan, V. (2016). Prikladnaya geodezIya: tehnologii Inzhenerno-geodezicheskih rabot. M.: Infra-Inzheneriya. 2. Baran, P. (2012). Inzhenerna heodeziia. 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