Accounting, analysis and internal audit of production costs at PrJSC “Ternopil Quarry”

Students Name: Kravchuk Viktoriia Vasylivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Accounting and Taxation
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Kravchuk V.V, Voskresenska T.I (supervisor). Accounting, analysis and internal control of production costs at PrJSC «Ternopil Quarry» Master’s work. - National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Lviv 2020. EXTENDED ANNOTATION Production is one of the largest and most important processes of an economic entity, as the production process uses labour resources, raw materials, energy, materials, fixed assets, fuel, natural resources, etc, and ultimately get the finished product to be sold. The main feature of this stage is forming of total production costs, which are included in the production cost [3]. Production costs are included in costs, so as well as all costs also meet the criteria for their recognition, given in UAS 16 "Costs" [4]. At the same time, domestic practice has not developed a single systematic approach to cost management, and only some of its elements are used. The system of accounting at the enterprise is mainly reduced to determining the value of property, financial results and general performance. It is not able to provide effective control, analysis and planning of further activities. It is necessary to create preconditions for providing all levels of management with the necessary timely, relevant and reliable information about the past and possible costs of the enterprise, taking into account the influence of external factors [5, p. 28]. The object of research is accounting, analysis and internal audit of production costs. The subject of the research is the organization and methods of accounting, analysis and internal audit of production costs of PJSC "Ternopil Quarry". The purpose of the study: generalization of theoretical, regulatory, legal, methodological and practical aspects of accounting, analysis and internal audit of production costs, as well as the formation of a number of proposals and recommendations for improvement in this area on the example of PJSC "Ternopil Quarry". Research results. According to the results of the study, it is established that the main and most important component of production costs is the cost of production, which is formed from direct material, direct labor costs and other direct costs. In this regard, an analysis of the costs of PJSC "Ternopil Quarry", determined their structural ratio in accordance with the total cost. The results of the cost analysis showed their upward trend, at the same time we can note a decrease in the cost in 2019 compared to 2015 such as sales costs and other operating expenses. ` It is determined that the organization of the analytical process should ensure the timeliness and quality of informed decisions to optimize the total cost of production of PJSC "Ternopil Quarry" and their individual components. During organization and directly accounting for production of costs and their reflection in the reporting, the relevant provisions of current legislation of Ukraine are applied. In accounting, production costs are reflected in the accounts defined in the chart of accounts on the sub-accounts defined in the accounting policу [15]. Kompetitive development of the enterprise significantly depends on use of the costs and their management. In the conditions of rapid changes in the environment, the growing size of PJSC "Ternopil Quarry", there is a need to pay more attention to the audit of production costs by conducting an internal audit. Carrying out a high-quality and effective internal audit of production costs at PJSC "Ternopil Quarry" ensured the profitability of the enterprise, information transparency in various areas of economic activity, survival and implementation in a competitive environment. When collecting and recording audit evidence confirming the reliability of accounting for production costs, the auditor must use different procedures: inspection; observation; recalculation; analytical procedures [29]. Their optimization depends on the correctness and timeliness of application of these procedures in the process of internal audit of production costs. According to the results of study, it is determined that the organization of consolidated cost accounting In PJSC "Ternopil Quarry" in order to improve it involves: establishing the degree of centralization of cost accounting; the choice of the option of generalization of production costs on the accounts; establishing the procedure for evaluating semi-finished products of own production, transferred from shop to shop; development of methods and techniques for generalizing costs, the sequence of closing production accounts and accounting for work in progress. Key words: accounting, analysis, internal audit, production costs, production cost. Referenсes 1. Panasjuk V. M. (2005) Vytraty vyrobnyctva: upravlinsjkyj aspekt: pidruchnyk /V. Panasjuk - Ternopilj: Aston, 288. 2. Polozhennja (Standart) bukhghaltersjkogho obliku 16 «Vytraty» (2013). Nakaz Ministerstva finansiv Ukrajiny # 627. 3. 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