(Development Strategy Formation at Private Enterprise “Monremo”)

Students Name: Diakiv Yuliia Oleksandrivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Diakiv Y. O., Bondarenko Y. H. (superviser). Development Strategy Formation at Private Enterprise “Monremo”. — Master’s thesis. — Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. Modern realities make it impossible for small and medium-sized businesses to conduct their operations as efficiently: due to inability to fulfill its obligations to counterparties; due to the inability to sell goods or provide services, the operating time of enterprises and institutions is limited, from which business entities incur losses, and this is a high probability of risk of loss of part or all of the property by enterprises [1]. Namely, the consequences caused by the pandemic had a negative impact and continue to affect the world economy, it did not escape the economy of Ukraine. The spring lockdown has had a very negative impact on the activities of many businesses, and it is likely that another lockdown will create the conditions for the closure of businesses due to their bankruptcy. Thus, the topic of the master’s thesis is extremely relevant, because in today’s conditions will allow an in-depth analysis of the enterprise on the example of PE "Monremo" and identify new opportunities to overcome the effects of the crisis at this enterprise. Many scientists have dealt with the problem of classification and definition of tools for forming the strategy of the enterprise: G. V. Rachynska, G. R. Kopets, O. I. Karyi [2], O. Ye. Kuzmin [3], Yo. M. Petrovych [4], N. I. Kara [5]. Thus, O. Ye. Kuzmin understands the concept of "strategy" as the definition of the main long-term goals together with the appropriate action plan and allocation of resources to achieve these goals [3, p. 92]. The concept of "strategy" in a monograph edited by Professor Yo. M. Petrovych summarizes the approaches of various scientists on such grounds as the definition of strategy in terms of goals and the definition of strategy in terms of competition [4, p. 44]. Scenarios of enterprise behavior to changes in the environment and analysis of possible strategies for enterprise response to these changes will ensure long-term success [5]. In general, researchers have identified the lack of unity in approaches to the classification of enterprise strategies, as well as tools for its selection, which leads to differences in the methodological basis for the formation and definition of development strategies in the enterprise. Study object - directions of strategic development of PE "Monremo" on the basis of its resource capabilities. Scope of research - assessment of the availability of financial resources for strategic development and assessment of the degree of influence of external and internal factors of PE "Monremo". Goal of research: analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of enterprise development strategy, its choice and justification, as well as the search on this basis for ways to improve the enterprise on the basis of strategic analysis of the external and internal environment. Briefly put research results: the analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise for the provision of electrical services - PE "Monremo" for the period 2017-2019. As a result of the analysis the unsatisfactory financial condition, low solvency of the enterprise is revealed, the degree of crisis condition of the enterprise is defined, applying models of forecasting of bankruptcy, the directions of strategic development are determined and the SWOT-analysis is carried out, the degree of influence of internal and external factors is determined, the investment project is offered and its efficiency is estimated. A mechanism for improving the strategic management system has been developed and ways to overcome PE "Montremo" from the crisis and strengthen its position in the market have been identified. Key words: strategy, strategic management, assortment policy, bankruptcy risk minimization, economic efficiency, development. References. 1. Rachynska G. V., Kopets G. R. Current aspects of small and medium business management in Ukraine. Economics and management issues: Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Issue 2, Number 815 (3), 2015. 240-247. 2. Karyi O. I. Strategic planning of city development. Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Lviv.: ZUKC, 2007. 317. 3. Kuzmin. O. Ye., Petryshyn N. Ya., Doroshkevych K. O. Strategic activity of enterprises: technologies of planning and construction of maps: monograph. Lviv: City information systems, 2011. 320. 4. Petrovych Yo. M., Kryveshko O. V., Stupak I. O. Strategic management of the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise: monograph. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2012. 228 с. 5. Kara N. I. Types of strategies and assessment of the impact of environmental factors on the activities of the enterprise. Economics and management issues: Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Issue 3, Number 847 (4), 2016. 97-102