A software control system for the generating station on solar batteries

Students Name: Zaiats Yevhenii Yanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: System Programming
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Zaiats Y.Y., Paramud Y.S. (supervisor). A software control system for the generating station on solar batteries. Master’s thesis. - National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. At the moment, technologies that use solar heat and light are spreading. Photovoltaic generation can be attributed to these technologies.[1] for this purpose, there are special stations that convert the energy of the sun’s rays into electricity. Solar energy is a renewable energy source. With proper organization of the use and extraction of solar energy, humanity can meet its needs from just one source, which can prevent the depletion of the planet’s resources. Solar panels produce galvanic current when exposed to sunlight. There are special ways that can help increase the performance of solar panels and get more solar energy. One of these methods is to observe the position of the Sun. This is allowed by solar trackers. When they are used, energy production increases significantly, because the amount of sunlight that falls on the module increases, and therefore the amount of solar energy that they carry in themselves. It is also important to make solar energy extraction technology accessible to the majority of the world’s population. Home solar stations require almost no maintenance, except for cleaning the modules several times a year. However, at the moment, the technology of generating electricity is not ideal. There may be some problems if a large amount of power is required. Batteries are not always able to provide it. You need to use a lot of panels to cover all the needs of a large object. From a financial point of view, a more profitable option may be, for example, nuclear power. Another disadvantage is the uneven production of energy, which directly depends on the intensity of light. This may be due to weather conditions that are constantly changing. Although batteries generate energy and when the sun is hidden behind clouds, these volumes are minimal. A possible solution is to use a tracking system that maintains the orthogonal position of the panel with the light source. Object of research: solar-powered generating station controls. Subject of research: improvement of methods for obtaining maximum productivity of energy extraction from solar panels. The aim of the study is to maximize the extraction of electricity from solar panels by developing a software control system for a solar-powered generating station. Offer tools to ensure a long battery life. As a result of the research, the existing systems of tracking the sun were analyzed from such systems, only two main ones are distinguished – static and dynamic. Static systems are those systems that provide static mounting of photovoltaic modules and are oriented in a south-facing direction at an angle that is selected from the location of the system. Dynamic systems, called trackers, automatically orient photovoltaic modules at an angle to the horizon, in azimuth (direction beyond the light). Both uniaxial and biaxial systems are widely available on the market. [2] Single axis trackers (SAT) – trackers with a single axis of rotation, which are called single-axis trackers. The axis of rotation of this type of tracker can be located in any coordinate directions and use any tracking algorithm. Several implementations of uniaxial trackers were analyzed. These include trackers with horizontal rotation axis (HSAT), vertical rotation axis (VSAT), inclined rotation axis (TSAT), and polar oriented rotation axis (PSAT). Single-axis PSAT trackers can be considered particularly common [3]. Dual axis trackers (DAT) – a tracker with two rotating axes. DAT has two axes of freedom along which it moves. These axes are located separately from each other, but work together. The main advantages of pre-axis trackers are that they provide constant maximum output power of solar panels throughout the day. Two main implementations of two-axis trackers are analyzed: TTDAT and Aadat. Tip-tilt dual axis tracker (TTDAT) – trackers that have two axes of rotation on a support post.[4] Azimuth altitude dual axis tracker (AADAT) – trackers with two axes of rotation and a reference plane. The advantage of this system is that the mass of the entire plane with panels is evenly distributed between the ring and does not overload the Mount, unlike TTDAT.[5-8] Keywords: automatic positioning system, solar panels, solar trackers, solar energy, active tracker control systems. References. 1. Avtomatyka i avtomatyzatsiia tekhnolohichnykh protsesiv: pidruchnyk / T. B. Holovko, K. H. Reho, Yu. O. Skrypnyk.– K. : Lybid, 1997.– 232 s. 2. Klymenko B.V. Komutatsiina aparatura, aparatura keruvannia, zapobizhnyky. Terminy, tlumachennia, komentari. 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