An autonomous cyber physical system to support plant life

Students Name: Yatskanych Volodymyr Vasylovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Cyber-Physical Systems
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Yatskanich V.V., Kytsun G.V.(supervisor). Autonomous cyberphysical system to support plant life. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. Most people would like to have beautiful ornamental plants in their homes. First of all, plants need the most important factors in the quality of plant growth - humidity and light. By constantly monitoring these changing environmental conditions, you can keep your houseplants perfect. Continuous monitoring can be ensured with the help of cybephysical systems. A cyberphysical system is a mechanism that is controlled or tracked by computer algorithms and is closely linked to the Internet and its users[1]. In cyberphysical systems, software is closely related to physical objects. The components of the CFS interact at different temporal and spatial levels and may have different, distinct patterns of behavior and interact with each other in different ways, which may vary depending on the context. Examples of cyberphysical systems include intelligent power systems, automated control systems, and self-piloting aircraft. We live in an age when cyberphysical systems have become a necessity for man. They are used for convenience because there is no need to control the process yourself. At the present stage of development of technical progress, the development and development of cybephysical systems is becoming increasingly important. These systems work on the principle of signal transmission. The signals from the sensors are transmitted to a microcontroller[2], where the information is processed and feedback is given. As society’s love of electronics only grows, so does the number of devices with autonomous control. The solution may be to automate all possible processes, including the process of caring for houseplants. 7 Many people have home gardens or houseplants inside their homes. But caring for plants is time consuming and requires a lot of effort and time. Although some people take good care of their plants, they complain that the plants are constantly dying or growing slowly. The growth and development of a plant depends on many parameters, which may differ from one plant to another - these parameters are difficult for humans to analyze[3]. Our plant care system consists of highly sensitive sensors that measure all the parameters needed to maintain any particular plant with high accuracy. The user only needs to turn on a system that will automatically provide a suitable environment for a particular plant. The system issues a warning to the user when water runs out in the tank inside the plant pot. By placing the water level sensor inside the pot, the irrigation system is activated when the water level is too low. Thus, the system overcomes the problem of regulating the situation around the pot, saving effort and time of the user, because this system is fully automated. If we compare with existing analogues, they are limited in their functionality. For example, the Click & Grow 3 system has an automatic watering function and an automatic lighting function in its functionality and works from the network. The 2020 Smart Pot system with LED Grow LightHydroponic has the same parameters. Our automated system has no existing analogues and has everything you need: humidity and soil moisture control, lighting control, water temperature and soil control. Another advantage is that our system works autonomously. Solar battery + battery provides autonomy that does not tie the pot to the outlet, which makes it mobile and convenient. In use. At the same time, it is not inferior in price, as all elements are relatively cheap and do not require large costs of electricity. Study object: Autonomous cyberphysical system of plant life support 8 Scope of research: The use of electricity in cyberphysical systems. Goal of research: To consider the problem of using a cyberphysical system of care for houseplants. Analyze and suggest options for the use of cybephysical systems for the care of houseplants using a small amount of electricity, consider the algorithm of the system. Research results. In this paper, a comparison with existing analogues was made, their advantages and disadvantages were identified. The necessity of using such cyberphysical systems in the care of houseplants is considered. The algorithm of operation of the automated system and the structural scheme for our task are considered. Keywords - smart pot, cyberphysical systems, care for houseplants. References. 1. Melnyk A.O. Cyberphysical systems: problems of creation and directions of development // Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University "Computer Systems and Networks", 2014, No. 806. - P.154-161. 2. Kitsun G.V. Choice of universal computer memory addressing methods // Visnyk Nat. Lviv Polytechnic University. 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