A mobile application content management software system

Students Name: Pozdnii Oleksandr Vitaliiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Progressive web applications are a new type of applications that are built on top of web technologies. With the growth in the use of mobile devices, as well as the growth of their market share, the issue of creating a unified approach to the development of cross platform mobile applications has become urgent. The concept of developing progressive applications for mobile devices PWA (Progressive Web Applications) anticipates the development of a cross-platform mobile application using web technologies that would work on all devices regardless of platform [1]. This approach allows you to simplify the development of a mobile application, reduce costs and save mobile device resources. It is also possible to use special APIs, which give access to the built-in capabilities of the mobile device without the need to use the platform-specific SDK. This factor increases the versatility of the proposed approach, and allows you to reduce the load on the device, by bypassing heavy native libraries and SDKs [3]. Analysis of research and scholar articles of thr recent years shows that progressive applications hold promise for a new independent industry in software development. Development and research in this area is a necessary part to promote and develop the concept of progressive applications. In particular, T.O Moroz and A.A Kravchuck [1,2] were involved in research of prospects and opportunities of progressive web applications in Ukraine. Despite numerous studies of progressive web applications, few of them will highlight the future of this technology and do not provide a clear idea of its support by large companies and corporations. Also, the issue of energy efficiency remains unresolved. Study object is the process of developing progressive web applications. Scope of research is the factors and ways of improving the performance of mobile applications using the principle of progressive web applications, namely caching and its state. The theoretical and methodological basis of the master’s qualification work was modern literary sources on the development of native, hybrid and progressive applications for mobile devices, scientific research on the problems of developing and optimizing cross-platform applications, reflected in periodicals, articles, publication in journals and databases of academic papers. Analytical calculations, assumptions and conclusions, as well as research and recommendation sections are performed based on the results of the development of a mobile app-lication content management system. Goal of research: the purpose of the master’s degree work is to study theoretical and practical provisions, develop practical recommendations for the development of progressive applications for mobile devices, as well as determine the non-obvious advantages of this approach when developing new prototypes, and to investigate the impact of caching and cache status on energy efficiency and productivity of the developed applications. Achievement of this goal made it necessary to solve the following tasks: to study and generalize theoretical as well as practical aspects of progressive web applications; analyze the advantages and disadvantages of developing progressive applications; to identify factors that positively and negatively affect the development stages; make recommendations on the appropriateness of using the concepts of progressive applications for mobile applications in various industries and areas of business. Research methods: to solve the assigned tasks in the master’s qualification work, the following methods were used: comparison, systematization and generalization (when determining the essential features of the concept of a progressive web application [13], defining the factors and methods of influence of this concept on the box of mobile applications for determining the establishment of approaches to assessment) [5], statistical methods ( to study the influence of various parameters on the efficiency of the developed application). Scientific novelty of the research lies in deepening theoretical practical skills in the development of progressive web applications, identifying promising directions for using the concept under consideration. The scientific novelty of the master’s degree work is as follows: statistical data that will help to confirm or deny the energy efficiency of progressive applications; a set of recommendations, which, unlike the existing ones, gives a deep understanding of the concept of progressive applications and their capabilities in various areas of business. Through development and research, it became clear that caching and cache state do not affect energy efficiency, but that the performance of the application is also significant. Thus, it is fashionable to say, modalities of caching in progressive applications have a positive effect and speed up the application. Keywords: progressive web application, caching, application development, energy consumption, performance. Referenses. 1. О.А. Kravchuck. Review and analysis of progressive web applications. Khmelnytsky National University. ISSN 2307-5732 2. Т. О.Moroz. Advantages of using hybrid and progressive web applications in business. DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-14 3. ApacheBooster. [n. d.]. What is network caching and why do we need it? https://apachebooster.com/blog/what-is-network-caching-and-why-do-weneed-it/. Accessed: September 20, 2019. 4. Т. О.Мороз. Переваги використання гібридних мобільних додатків та про гресивних веб-додатків у бізнесі. DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-14 5. 2019.Bhatt, Kaushal. (2019). Progressive Web Application-Present and Future.