A logistics system development and its components software implementation

Students Name: Bilokur Maksym Volodymyrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: System Programming
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: ABSTRACT Bilokur MV, Vavruk E.Y. (supervisor). Development of a logistics system and a program for the implementation of its components. Master’s thesis. –Lviv National Polytechnik University, Lviv, 2020. Extended annotation. The concept of "logistics system" is derived from the concept of "system" and is one of the basic in logistics, which implements a systems approach [1]. To date, there is no generally accepted definition of this concept [2]. Following Lenshin IA logistics system can be defined as a specially organized integration of logistics elements within a particular economic system to optimize the processes of material flow. The most important strategic decision is to build a model of logistics customer service system [3]. The essence of the logistics system is to create an efficient chain of delivery of products from the regional warehouse to consumers. To do this, it is necessary to link the organizations involved in the chain: supplier (regional warehouse) - vehicles - consumers, so that the latter deliver products on time, ie in the right quantity and at the right time [4]. Construction of the model of logistic service of consumers and firms is based on construction of optimum routes of transportations and schedules (schedules) of delivery of production to consumers [5]. There is no single model. Practice shows that in each case the logistic model should be developed, and at its drawing up the network schedule and the theory of graphs at construction of a route should be used. Currently, there are many logistics companies that provide transportation services, but for small and medium enterprises, for which the services of logistics companies are not paid off, you need to have your own logistics system. Since the development of a highly specialized logistics system, as well as ensuring its scalability and support is a rather expensive solution, the use of an open source logistics system without product type specification will be the most cost-effective solution. Since there is no open access software for logistics systems, the development of this software product is advisable.Study object - logistics systems and the principles of their work. Scope of research - solving the transport problem in logistics systems. Research results: The research found a 2-4 higher level of performance of the fasthttp library in query processing compared to the http library under different conditions, such as the frequency of garbage collection, reducing the number of kernels used by the system to 1 and additional system load to fully load the kernel. There was also a study of the execution time of methods for solving the transport problem and investigated the dependence of their execution time on the complexity of execution and the influence of this factor in the processing of large amounts of data. The accuracy of mobile GPS under normal conditions was also investigated, resulting in an average accuracy of 3m in the open space. Keywords: logistics, software management systems, transport problem. References. Сумець О.М., Сиромятников П.С., Виробича логістика: технічні системи і прийоми раціоналізації переміщення матеріальних потоків, Харків: ТОВ “Пром-Арт”, 2018. - 100 с. Пастернак І. Класифікація засобів модульної взаємодії між клієнтом і сервером / І.І. Пастернак, Ю.В. Морозов // Вісник «Комп’ютерні системи та мережі».- Львів: НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2011.- №717.- С. 108-113. Клейнрок Л. Теория массового обслуживания. – М.: Машиностроение, 1979. –432 с. The Go programming language, Alan A.A. Donovan · Brian W. Kernighan Published Oct 26,2015 in paperback and Nov 20 in e-book Addison-Wesley; 380pp. Басакер Р., Саати Т. Конечные графы и сети. – М.: Наука, 1974. – 366 с.