"The Russian Factor" in the Foreign Policy of the French Republic: The Genesis of Formation and the Current State

Students Name: Bespalikova Olha Olehivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: International Relations
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Bespalikova O.O, Turchin Y.B. (supervisor). "Russian factor" in the foreign policy of the French Republic: the genesis of formation and the current state. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. The foreign policy of the French Republic contributes to the formation of the modern world of diplomacy. French foreign policy is characterized by multi-vector, however, at the same time, their implementation is influenced by various factors. One of these is the "Russian factor" [1]. France is a member of many international organizations, such as NATO, the UN Security Council, the European Union. The country is actively involved in solving many international issues. In connection with these factors, the current foreign policy of the Fifth Republic is an important structural element of global international relations [4], [5]. The influence of the "Russian factor" on the activities of the countries of the world, in particular France, acquires a negative connotation, in parallel with the increase of aggression in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. This factor threatens the balance and peaceful state of international relations [2], [3]. Study object – the foreign policy of France. Scope of research – the "Russian factor" in the foreign policy of the French Republic. The goal of research is to study the genesis of the formation and current state of the "Russian factor" in the foreign policy of the French Republic. Research results: the state of research of the “Russian factor” problem in French foreign policy is clarified, the conceptual principles of French foreign policy are determined, the peculiarities of the historical genesis of Franco-Russian relations are periodized and revealed, the peculiarities of foreign relations of the Russian Federation and the French Republic Russian aggression in Ukraine at the current stage of Franco-Russian relations, identified and disclosed the main factors that determine the content of the "Russian factor" in French foreign policy, modeled possible scenarios of relations between Russia and France. Research methods. In the analysis of materials, the method of content analysis was used to select a limited sample taken from a large array of information. Descriptive and comparative methods were used in the study of the historical part of the work. Systematic and historical-chronological methods were used in the final design of the work. The method of cognitive mapping was used during the analysis of the current state of the problem. A comparative method was used to create the table of military capabilities of Russia and France. Theoretical significance of the obtained results. The theoretical significance of the work is that the conclusions available in it can be used for further research, in particular to study the prospects for the development of Franco-Russian relations. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of using the results of work in the development, adoption and implementation of political decisions in the field of international and world politics, bilateral political relations. Also, the results of the work can be used by students in the preparation of lectures and seminars on "History of International Relations", "International Relations and World Politics". Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, 9 subsections, conclusions, a list of used sources and literature from 94 items. The total volume of the work is 109 pages. Key words: the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the "Russian factor", foreign policy, history of international relations. References: 1. Дегоев В. В. Внешняя политика России и международные системы: 1700–1918 гг. / Владимир Дегоев. - Москва: РОССПЭН, 2004. – 231 с. 2. Межгосударственные отношения России и Франции [Електронний ресурс] // Інтернет-сайт газети РИА Новости. – Режим доступу: https://ria.ru/spravka/20170529/1495106638.html. 3. Audinet M. Y a-t-il un “soft power” russe?? [Електронний ресурс] / Maxime Audinet // онлайн-видання Sudouest. – Режим доступу: https://www.sudouest.fr/2018/01/08/y-a-t-il-un-soft-power-russe-4092458-10275.php. 4. Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 [Електронний ресурс] // Публічний сервіс розповсюдження права. - Режим доступу: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/LEGITEXT000006071194/2020-11-08/. 5. Livre blanc sur la Defense et la Securite nationale 2013 [Електронний ресурс] // Офіційний сайт Direction de l’information legale et administrative. – Режим доступу: file:///sysroot/home/shared/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%BA%D0%B8/Livre-blanc-sur-la-Defense-et-la-Securite-nationale%202013.pdf.