Analysis and research of perimeter security systems of distributed objects

Students Name: Kuzina Alona Andriivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Computerized Control Systems and Automatics
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Kuzina A.A., Mokrenko P.V., Analysis and research of perimeter security systems of distributed objects. Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University. Lviv, 2020. In the master’s qualification work the questions of the analysis and research of systems of protection of perimeters of the distributed objects are considered. The explanatory note to the master’s qualification work consists of 4 sections, introduction, conclusions, list of references. Also contains 26 figures. The object of study of the master’s qualification work is the process of creating a structure of radio systems for the protection of the perimeters of territorially distributed objects [5]. The subject of research - radio systems for perimeter security. The purpose of the master’s qualification work is to create a scientific basis for the construction of effective radio systems for the protection of the perimeters of objects, taking into account the complex terrain and conditions of use [1, 2]. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set and solved: • Research and analysis of the characteristics of radio systems for the protection of perimeters of objects [4] • Development of geoinformation and mathematical model of radio engineering systems for protection of perimeters of complex objects [3, 4] Research methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis of radio engineering systems were used to study the peculiarities of the structure of radio engineering systems for the protection of the perimeters of territorially distributed objects. Methods of the theory of random processes, mathematical statistics, and mathematical modeling were used to develop a mathematical model of radio systems for perimeter protection of objects. The practical value of the principles of construction and generalized structure of radio engineering systems of protection of perimeters of territorially-distributed objects with a complex infrastructure developed in this work. The main provisions, which are considered in this master’s qualification work, in practice can be used in the creation of security systems for arsenals, bases, and warehouses of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and a number of other facilities. Keywords: Perimeter protection provides protection on the approaches to the enterprise or private area and is the first line of defense of the object [6]. Due to a number of restrictions, perimeter protection should be used in combination with other security systems and alarms (video surveillance, burglar alarms). Perimeter security system. The main purpose of perimeter security is to detect, at an early stage, penetration into the protected object of the attacker, further prevention of protection, and taking appropriate measures. Radio engineering system - a set of technical means designed to perform a certain range of tasks, in which during the exchange of information between its individual parts are used radio signals capable of transmitting information [7]. In fact, the possibilities of radio engineering are realized in radio engineering systems for various purposes. Radio systems are a subclass of the concept of "system" formed in technical cybernetics. Mathematical model - a mathematical representation of reality, one of the variants of the model as a system, the study of which allows to obtain information about some other system. The mathematical model is designed to predict the behavior of a real object, but there is always some degree of its idealization Geoinformation technologies are a technological complex that integrates and combines many information technologies. Their specificity is the focus on spatial data processing. Spatial data can be integrated with other types of data, which defines geographic information technology as a multi-purpose tool used not only in the earth sciences but also in the social sciences, economics, computer science, medicine, management, and others. References: 1. Magauenov RG, Security alarm systems: basics of theory and principles of construction: Textbook / Magauenov Raul Gabidenovich. - Moscow: Hotline - Telecom, 2008. - 496 p. 2. Ivanov IV Protection of perimeters - Moscow: Radio and Communications, 1997. - 98 p. 3. Ryabets A. Ya. Methodological aspects of geoinformation modeling of parametric distributed radio systems // Radio systems № 96 - Radio engineering № 4. - 2006. P. 96-99 4. Ryabets A. Ya. Optimization of territorially distributed radio engineering security system (geoinformation approach) / Ryabets A.Ya. // Radio systems № 85 - Radio engineering № 3. - 2005 p. 100-102. 5. Ryabets A. Ya. 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