Study of the state of the forests in the Carpathian region using space images by the methods of supervised classification

Students Name: Kryzhanivskyi Vasyl Valeriiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Geoinformation System and Technology
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: In the era of rapid development of the world, the need for natural resources is increasing, nowadays forest resources are included in the world economy. Because of that, the number of societies and organizations monitoring the natural resources of our planet Earth has increased [Polishchuk B.V., 2008]. Therefore, the study of the state of forests by methods of remote sensing is an important argument for the control of felling and the assessment of the state of forest plantations [Babiy L., Hrytskiv N., 2007]. In modern cartographic and information technologies, solutions to the tasks of researching the state of forests are performed using aerospace information, which is a priority in conducting forest monitoring, developing forecasting methods, detecting changes, and generally ensuring effective forest use. The priority areas of forest development and conservation are as follows: 1) nature protection importance of forests and the need for rational use of forest resources; 2) increasing productivity and improving the species composition of forest plantations; 3) increasing the resistance of forest ecosystems to negative factors caused by anthropogenic disturbances and global climate changes. The feasibility of using satellite images for the study of the Earth’s forest resources is determined by their superiority over traditional methods, and the presence of infrared channels of modern imaging systems increases their informativeness [4, 5]. Forest monitoring using aerospace data involves: • receiving, accumulating and preliminary processing of specific space information; • obtaining and accumulating certified information containing forestry parameters; • compatible processing of space and ground information using GIS technologies and software products such as ArcGis; • making management decisions and developing measures to create optimal conditions for forest use. When using the master’s qualified work, data search methods of supervised classification, vegetation indices, comparative method were used. The work was performed in the ArcGis software environment. What is interesting in this study is the comparison of how the forest environment has changed in 20 years. An advantage: there is information on the state of the forest for 2020. The professional GIS system ArcGis was used to perform supervised classification, vegetation indices, and comparison [Burshtynska H.V., Polishchuk B.V., Kovalchuk O.Yu., 2013]. The object of the research is the monitoring of forests by the methods of remote sensing of the Earth. The subject of the study is the method of identifying places of drying and felling of the Rava-Rusky forest farm using remote sensing data and GIS. The purpose of the work is to monitor the forest facilities of the "Rava-Rusky Forest Farm" from 2002 to 2022. In the experimental study, a supervised classification was performed for the forest and vegetation indices were used to determine whether the forest is drying up. All work was performed in a software environment. As a result of the use of GIS tools, a supervised classification was performed and a method of comparing changes that occurred over two decades was used. This scientific work is relevant because the monitoring of the forest of the "Rava-Rusky Forest Farm" took place. Also, the study is new because the data for 2022 were taken. Frequent monitoring is beneficial for forestry, as control will be carried out. Key words: forest monitoring, supervised classification, comparative characteristics, forestry, geo-information technologies. References. 1. Polishchuk B.V. Modern achievements and problems in research on the development and condition of forests. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic National University. Publishing house of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2008. 2. L. Babii Space-based methods of forest management in solving problems of forestry / L. Babii, N. Hrytskiv // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography: interdepartmental scientific and technical collection / Ministry of Education and Science of UkraineLviv Polytechnic National University. Publishing House of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2007. – Issue 68. – P. 200–204. 3. H.V. Burshtynska Research methods of forest classification using high-resolution space images / H.V. Burshtynska, B.V. Polishchuk, O.Yu. Kovalchuk // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography: interdepartmental scientific and technical collection / Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic National University. Publishing House of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, , 2013. – Issue 78. – P. 101–110. 4. Kh. V. Burshtynska, S. A. Stankevich, Yu. V. Denys. Photogrammetry and remote sensing. textbook / Lviv Polytechnic National University. Publishing House of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2019. 5. V. I. Zatserkovny, V. G. Burachek, O. O. Zheleznyak, A. O. Tereshchenko GIS and databases. Nizhin 2014