Research of GIS technologies for cadastre and land management

Students Name: Romaniuk Illia Oleksiiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Land Management and Cadastre
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Romaniuk, I. O., Malanchuk, M. S. (2022). Research of GIS technologies for cadastre and land management. Master’s thesis. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University. Extended Abstract Geographic information systems and technologies in developed countries are a very popular area of science, which successfully implements solutions to problems in various practical areas of human activity, the cadastre and land management areas being no exception. The use of geoinformation technologies makes it possible to obtain and analyze data of various types, so their introduction into the cadastral system of Ukraine and land management problem solution processes in Ukraine are appropriate; these systems make it possible to obtain much more information about the objects that need to be investigated. Geoinformation system is a modern computer technology, which makes it possible to combine different types of model images of any territory with information presented as a table (attributive information) (Pavlenko, 2013). Geoinformation technologies are the technological basis for the development of information systems that are interconnected with geodata, which makes it possible to successfully unlock the potential of their functionality (Sharii, 2017). Geoinformation systems have a very close connection with other types of information systems, differing mainly in the ability to manipulate, as well as in the ability to analyse spatial data. That’s why geoinformation systems can be separated from: • Desktop mapping systems • Automatic design systems • Earth’s remote sensing systems • Database management systems • Global positioning technologies Modern geoinformation systems perform five main tasks involving data: input, visualization, manipulation, management and query, and analysis. Using these options, as well as the data obtained with the help of modern types of data getting, it is possible to achieve significant success in the development of cadastral systems and land management in Ukraine (Perovych, 2016). Object of study. Modern geoinformation systems and technologies. Subject of study. Use of geoinformation systems and technologies for cadastre and land management works. Objective of the study.The study of the implementation of geoinformation systems and technologies in the cadastre and land management areas. Study results. The introduction of geoinformation systems and technologies in cadastral systems and land management in Ukraine has had a positive impact on their development, although the potential for their application is much greater. Modern geoinformation systems and technologies can use different types of input and auxiliary cartographic data, for example, Earth remote sensing data, measurement data obtained using Lidar technology. Their use in the cadastral systems of Ukraine can positively affect the content of information databases, both about the land plot, which is the smallest cadastral unit, and about the facilities on it (VerkhovnaRada of Ukraine, 2003). This will make it possible to form a common database on land plots and real estate items, which will enable the creation of a 3D cadastre system in Ukraine in the future (Malashevskyi, 2017). Geoinformation systems can also be efficiently used when monitoring the land; for this purpose, it is necessary to use remote sensing data of the land, which makes it possible to perform rapid and continuous analysis in large areas. For the needs of land management, geoinformation systems and technologies can be used to create cartographic materials. The most popular cartographic application in Ukraine for creating land management projects and technical documentation is Digitals, this environment containing elements of the geoinformation system, and one of the most popular geoinformation systems in the world is ArcGIS. The Digitals functionality is sufficient for the domestic user; there is no urgent need to search for alternative. The rationality and cost-effectiveness of introduction of the latest geoinformation systems in Ukraine at the user level are quite inappropriate; many areas of work in Ukraine have been affected since the beginning of the war, including cadastre and land management, so significant restrictions have now been imposed on the implementation of professional activities. But our military uses data that needs to be processed using geoinformation systems. NATO uses ArcGIS. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce geoinformation systems and technologies in some areas. In the future, these systems will also be used to determine the scale of destruction in Ukraine, but we can use QGIS, a free geoinformation system. Keywords: geoinformation systems, Earth remote sensing, 3D cadastre, ArcGIS, Digitals. References 1. Pavlenko, L. (2013). Heoinformatsiini systemy [Geoinformation systems]. Kharkiv: KhNEU. 2. Sharii, H., Tymoshevskyi, H., &Shchepak, V. (2017). HIS v kadastrovykh systemakh [GISs in cadastral systems]. Poltava: PoltNTU. 3. Perovych, I. (2016). Napriamky rozvytku kadastrovoi systemy Ukrainy [Directions of development of the cadastral system of Ukraine]. Suchasni dosiahnennia heodezychnoi nauky ta vyrobnytstva – Modern achievements of geodetic science and production, (Issue II) (32), 38–40 doi: 07_38–40 4. Malashevskyi, M., Kuzin, N., Palamar, A., &Malanchuk, M. (2017). Problemy prostorovoho uporiadkuvannia ta opodatkuvannia zemel silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia [Problems of spatial regularization and taxation of agricultural lands]. Heodeziia ta kartohrafiia [Geodesy and cartography], 43 (4), 166–172. 5. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2003). Zakon Ukrainy Pro zemleustrii: vid 22 travnia 2003 r. № 858–IV [Law of Ukraine On Land Management dated May22, 2003, No. 858–IV]. No. 36, Art. 282.