Research of Microwave Systems for Wireless Transmission of Digital Teleradioinformation Signals Functioning Features

Students Name: Sheptytskyi Borys Ihorovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Radioelectronic devices, systems and complexes
Institute: Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Sheptytskyi B.I., Matiieshyn Y.M. (supervisor). Research of Microwave Systems for Wireless Transmission of Digital Teleradioinformation Signals Functioning Features. Master’s qualification work. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Relevance of the topic is due to the high efficiency, information capacity and interference immunity of microwave systems for wireless transmission of digital teleradioinformation signals. The initial data for work are types of technologies for wireless transmission of digital information at ultra-high frequencies – LMDS, MMDS, MVDS, MITRIS [1- 5]. A detailed review and analysis of available ukrainian and foreign scientific, technical and advertising materials in the form of printed and electronic latest sources of information on issues related to the peculiarities of the construction and operation of teleradioinformation systems based on microwave technologies for wireless transmission of digital information, including interactive systems with using the reverse channel from the subscriber [1-5]. A detailed classification of microwave technologies for wireless transmission of digital teleradioinformation signals is built on the basis of various classification criteria, such as the used frequency range, operating distance, type of service area, type of transmitted information, types of digital signals distributed by the network, types of services provided by the system etc. A generalization of the trends and further prospects for the development of technologies for wireless transmission of digital teleradioinformation signals in Ukraine and the world has been carried out. The object of research – the peculiarities of the functioning of microwave systems for the transmission of digital teleradioinformation signals. The subject of research – the principles and features of construction and the main characteristics of modern digital teleradioinformation systems. The purpose of research is a detailed review and analysis of the features of wireless telecommunication technologies using microwave radio waves. Carrying out7 a comparative analysis of the main parameters, characteristics and features of the construction of equipment, systems and networks based on various microwave teleradioinformation technologies. Research results: 1) review and analysis of printed and electronic materials of the latest sources of information on the topic of the work; 2) detailed classification of the main technologies for building microwave teleradioinformation networks for wireless transmission of digital signals; 3) generalization of trends and analysis of prospects for the development and improvement of modern technologies of microwave interactive teleradioinformation systems; 4) economic calculation of the cost of implementation of the SRW according to the cost estimate, profit from the implementation of the SRW, as well as an assessment of the scientific and technical effectiveness of the implementation of the SRW. Keywords – microwave technologies, teleradioinformation networks, digital signals. List of used literary sources. 1. Ilchenko M.Yu., Kravchuk S.O. Telecommunication systems of broadband radio access / M.Yu. Ilchenko, S.O. Kravchuk ? K.: NVP ""Naukova dumka" Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", 2009. ? 312 p. 2. Grigoriev V.A. Radio access networks and systems / V.A. Grigoriev, O.I. Lagutenko, Yu.A. Raspaev. ? M.: Eco-Trends, 2005. ? 384 p. 3. Vishnevsky V.M. Broadband wireless information transmission networks / V.M. Vishnevskyi, A.I. Lyakhov, S.L. Portnoy, I.V. Shahovich ? M.: Technosfera, 2005. ? 591 p. 4. Mikhailov V.F. Microwave technologies in telecommunication systems / V.F. Mykhailov et al. ? S-Pb.: Publishing House of SPbDUAP, 2003. ? 337 p. 5. Stollings V. Wireless communication lines and networks.: Trans. from English / V. Stollings. ? M.: Izdatelsky dom "Williams", 2003. ? 640 p.