Development of a Portable Device for Monitoring the Implementation of Physical Exercises Based on the Arduino Hardware and Software Platform

Students Name: Zhyvytskyi Ihor Bohdanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Electronics
Institute: Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Providing countermeasures for performing physical exercises plays an important role both in the training of athletes and for people who are actively engaged in physical education. Adherence to optimal load regimes makes it possible to obtain good results without excessive exhaustion and overloading of the body. Various control systems are used to maintain appropriate training conditions, in particular during periodic exercises [1-5]. A significant part of such systems is built on the basis of complex electronic devices and uses a significant number of external probes and sensors, which complicates the training process to a certain extent [6-9]. Therefore, in everyday life there is a need to create compact universal tools that are able to control physical exertion by counting the number of performed physical exercises. To solve this problem, a universal multi-parametric portable device built on the basis of the Arduino hardware and software platform is used. The device consists of a set of electronic position and acceleration sensors and control elements with software processing of measurement results, which are managed by a microcontroller. Scope of research is the a device for monitoring the performance of physical exercises. The purpose of research - parameters and means of movement registration. Goal of research is to development of a portable device for monitoring the performance of physical exercises based on the Arduino hardware and software platform. Systems and sensor devices for determining movement and acceleration that occur during physical exercises have been studied. The possibility of building a portable system due to the use of modern microelectronic sensors with wireless data transmission channels is shown. In the process of implementation, a structural, functional and electrical diagram of a portable device for monitoring the performance of physical exercises based on the Arduino hardware and software platform was developed. Keywords - accelerometer, gyroscope, Arduino platform. References: 1. Sletten, H.S., Eikevag, S.W., Silseth, H., Grondahl, H. & Steinert, M. Force Orientation Measurement: Evaluating Ski Sport Dynamics// IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, vol. 21, no. 24, pp. 28050-28056. 2. Hazali, N.F., Shahar, N., Rahmad, N.A., Sufri, N.A.J., As’ari, M.A. & Latif, H.F.M. Common sport activity recognition using inertial sensor// Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 14th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Application, CSPA 2018, pp. 67. 10.1109/CSPA.2018.8368687 3. Anik, M.A.I., Hassan, M., Mahmud, H. & Hasan, M.K. Activity recognition of a badminton game through accelerometer and gyroscope// 19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT 2016, pp. 213. 10.1109/ICCITECHN.2016.7860197 4. Junker, H., Amft, O., Lukowicz, P. & Troster, G. Gesture spotting with body-worn inertial sensors to detect user activities// Pattern Recognition, 2008, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 2010-2024. 10.1016/j.patcog.2007.11.016 5. Lapinski, M., Berkson, E., Gill, T., Reinold, M. & Paradiso, J.A. A distributed wearable, wireless sensor system for evaluating professional baseball pitchers and batters// Proceedings - International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2009, ISWC, pp. 131 6. Khurana, R., Wang, A. & Carrington, P. Beyond Adaptive Sports: Challenges & Opportunities to Improve Accessibility and Analytics// ASSETS 2021 - 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. 7. Murao, K., Yamada, H., Terada, T., & Tsukamoto, M. Estimating timing of specific motion in a gesture movement with a wearable sensor //Sensors and Materials, 2021, 33(1), 109-126. doi:10.18494/SAM.2021.2964 8. Roggen, D. ARM cortex M4-based extensible multimodal wearable platform for sensor research and context sensing from motion & sound // Paper presented at the UbiComp/ISWC 2020 Adjunct - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 284-289. doi:10.1145/3410530.3414368 9. Hasan, K., Biswas, K., Ahmed, K., Nafi, N. S., & Islam, M. S. A comprehensive review of wireless body area network// Journal of Network and Computer Applications (2019), 143, 178-198. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2019.06.016