Selection of materials and substantiation of parameters of spraying process to increase the performance of restored crankshafts

Students Name: Mustafoiev Refat Reshatovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Motor Vehicle Transport
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: In order to increase the service life of machine parts, various methods of their surface strengthening are widely used both during the manufacture of new products and during the repair of used ones. Strengthening the surface layer makes it possible to use expensive materials more rationally. At the same time, the part itself is made of cheaper structural materials, and the thin surface layer is applied with more expensive materials that provide high functional characteristics to structural elements. Today, many different methods of creating such working layers are used in industry for this. Among them, gas-thermal spraying methods are progressive and effective, which make it possible to increase the life of machines by 2...10 times, and in terms of relative cost, these coatings are 3...10 times cheaper than those obtained by other methods [1]. And the use of both solid-section and powder-coated wires (PD) for these methods of obtaining coating of electrode wires contributed to the expansion of the use of these technologies for obtaining restorative coatings with high operational parameters [2]. The object of the research is to study the influence of the chemical and phase composition of the obtained coatings on the magnitude of stresses and their mechanical properties. The subject of the research is samples sprayed by the electric arc method, which correspond to the crankshafts of trucks in terms of their chemical composition. The purpose and tasks of the research. Select the powder wire composition for electric arc spraying of worn crankshaft necks, which will ensure the creation of a wear-resistant surface layer. Tasks that should be considered in order to choose the composition of flux-cored wires: 1. Use the most effective method for recovery; 2. Investigate the characteristics of sprayed samples: hardness, cohesive strength, porosity, chemical composition and microstructure; 3. Analyze the obtained materials and choose powder wires, the use of which will ensure the most effective indicators of sprayed surfaces. [1]. Gedzevicius, I. & Valiulis, A. Analysis of wire arc spraying process variables on coatings properties. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 175 (2006), pp. 206–211 [2]. Pokhmurska G.V. Gas-thermal coatings: study guide / G.V. Pokhmurska, M.M. Student, V.I. Pokhmurskyi - Lviv, 2017 180 p.