Study of the peculiarities of the formation of transport demand transport services for the passengers’ transportation within the city

Students Name: Yevpak Viktoriia Valentynivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Cargo and Transport Management
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: The city’s public transport system is designed taking into account the comprehensive solution of urban planning and transport problems. According to the State Building Regulations [1]. Indicators characterizing the public transport system are distinguished - passenger turnover, carrying capacity, length of lines, speed of connections, energy consumption, number of routes. In addition, it is necessary to take into account such indicators as comfort, safety, reliability, efficiency [2]. The main factors that determine the volume and structure of passenger transportation are the following: population size and the trend of its changes; the level and pace of economic development in the state and in the regions; changes in the regional distribution of the population; changes in the urban and rural population; raising the material (monetary income) and cultural standard of living of the population; expansion of the network of sanatoriums, recreation areas, resorts; rates of development of various types of transport; tariff policy [3]. Studying the passenger flow in public transport makes it possible to control the legality of the use of vehicles by drivers, to create effective transport schedules, to implement effective traffic management to increase the safety and comfort of public transport passengers of a "smart" city [4]. With the use of forecasts of demand for the future, it is possible to realize the unsatisfied demand for movement, which, in turn, allows, on the one hand, to improve the quality of passenger service, and on the other hand, provides an opportunity to increase the volume of profits of transport enterprises. To date, forecasting the volume of passenger transport is considered one of the main parts of the process of planning, organization and control of the transport complex [5]. Study object – network of public transport routes Scope ofresearch – transportation process on routes. Goal of research to investigate the influence of hourly passenger traffic on the number of vehicles on the route The result of this work is a study of the required number of vehicles for each hour of the day for the working day and the weekend. Analysis of the required and researched number of vehicles.Keywords: four - passenger traffic, correspondence matrix, transport nodes, transport complex, demand forecasting. References. 1. Forecasting passenger flows in large transport hubs / O. O. Ozerova 2. Kara I.A. (2017) "identification of passenger flows on urban routes using fuzzy logic and transactions of cellular subscribers."16 3. Ministry of Transport, Order "On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the organization of transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport" dated January 21, 1998 N21 4. Information model of the system of automated processing of public transport passenger flow of the "smart" city, OJ Boreyko - 2017 5. Kuchevskii N. The trend of the developed market of transport services / N. Kuchevskii // Belarusian journal of international law and international relations. – 2003. – No. 2. - P. 2-3.