The marketing potential development at JSC "Idea Bank" and priority directions for increasing its effectiveness

Students Name: Babych Oleksandra Volodymyrivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Babуch O.V., Mnykh O.B. (supervisor). Development of the marketing potential of JSC "Idea Bank" and priority directions for increasing its effectiveness. Master’s qualification work. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the bank’s marketing potential plays an important role in the effective and successful management of the banking sector, especially during times of force majeure, inflation, pandemics, military operations, or a decline in demand for banking services. The situation in Ukraine and the world, in general, has a great influence on all existing institutions, including banking institutions, so quick response and adaptation to the conditions will guarantee stability and efficiency for banks. It is thanks to the use of digitalization and the implementation of transformations in marketing tools that it is possible to achieve an increase in competitiveness, growth of capital, and the value of the bank. The purpose of the master’s qualification work is to develop the marketing potential of JSC "Idea Bank" and to determine the main areas of increasing its efficiency. The object of the study is JSC "Idea Bank". The subject of the research is the theoretical provisions and practical principles of the formation and development of the marketing potential of JSC "Idea Bank". The results of the research – the main theoretical and methodological aspects of the marketing potential of the enterprise were considered; the analysis of foreign and domestic works of scientists devoted to the problem of development of marketing potential in the period of digitalization as a factor in the growth of the market capitalization of the bank was carried out; an economic, financial and marketing analysis of JSC "Idea Bank" was carried out; has been proven the need for banks to introduce digital technologies to optimize all processes and increase the level of capitalization; developed and analyzed regression models based on the example of JSC "Idea Bank", the obtained results allowed to identify the main factors in evaluating the dynamics of profit on capitalization processes; such are the value of intangible assets of "Idea Bank", which includes costs for the acquisition and optimization of digital technologies; the main priority measures for improving the bank’s marketing potential and increasing the capitalization of JSC "Idea Bank" were formed and developed. The scientific novelty is that it presents a scheme of interaction of various factors in the development of bank capitalization processes for a long-term perspective and a developed model of activation of the process of digitalization and bank capitalization in a competitive environment, and the key aspects of which have already been reflected in two scientific works in co-authorship and presented at the International scientific and practical conference. The methods of research and solving these tasks were as follows: scientific generalization - to determine the essence of marketing potential, factor, and regression analysis - to identify the impact on the development of marketing potential, which affects the rate of the market capitalization of the bank; graphic and tabular - for visual illustration; method of expert evaluations; Google Forms service for conducting e-surveys, using the Microsoft Office package; the study of domestic and foreign sources, which provide for different approaches to assessing the impact of digitalization on the results of banks; determination of the main trends in the development of the banking industry in the conditions of informatization of society. Keywords: bank marketing, marketing potential, market capitalization, digitalization of banking products, innovations, economic and mathematical models. References: 1. 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