Technological factor in the architecture of mountain tourist shelters

Students Name: Shkvarka Oleksii Romanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Tourist shelters in the mountains arose in the middle of the 19th century, when tourism began to acquire a mass character, to meet the need for a short-term stay and living in the highlands. The first shelters were based on a village house, in the Carpathians most often in the form of a wooden log structure with sloping roofs, but unfortunately, in the territory of Ukraine after the Second World War, most of them were destroyed and after that they were almost never restored. However, mountain tourism is gaining more and more popularity every year, and the Ukrainian Carpathians serve as an ideal place for this activity. In addition to their hotel activities, the owners of mountain tourist shelters are also engaged in cultivation and maintenance of tourist routes near which they pass. This is keeping the environment clean, marking tourist routes for the safety of tourists and even providing first aid to those who need it. Therefore, with the development of tourism, which increases the number of tourists in the mountains, the question arises of the restoration and construction of new tourist shelters. For the wide construction and restoration of such structures, it is important to correctly form the norms and rules that architectural and construction activities require. Therefore, it is important to conduct an analysis of this type of construction both on the territory of Ukraine and in countries where such tourist shelters are more common, in particular the Alpine countries. It is also important to identify certain architectural features that distinguish mountain tourist shelters. Based on those features, a typology and a certain classification of tourist shelters can be made. All this will make it possible to separate a tourist shelter from an ordinary hotel. The technological aspect also plays an important role in the architecture of mountain tourist shelters. Due to its location in the highlands, there is a problem in the delivery of materials, providing the shelter with electricity, heating, water and communication, as well as further maintenance of the shelter: delivery of necessary and export of consumer resources.