Water supply system in Novoselyshche (900 inhabitants), Zolochivskyi Distr., Lviv Region and analysis of human health impacts of drinking water

Students Name: Velychko Taras Myronovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Water Supply and Sewerage System
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: On the basis of the analysis, a combined economic-drinking industrial fire-fighting water supply system was designed. The system is circular, which has 3 rings, with a tower at the beginning. The water supply network is calculated for the maximum calculated flow rate, and the network is connected for two cases: for the maximum water withdrawal during the day and in the event of a fire during the maximum water withdrawal. In the project, the calculation of water intake structures was carried out. The number of wells is one working and one reserve. Two clean water tanks with a volume of 160 m3 each have been designed. A water tower with a volume of 20m3 has been designed. Calculations of the pumping station of the II rise have been carried out. A Wilo block pumping station was adopted. The impact of drinking water on the human body was analyzed. For the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary to receive a certain amount of macro- and microelements with food and water. The influence of the chemical composition of water on the state of health and morbidity of the population has been confirmed by many studies. The purpose of this study: to investigate the impact of drinking water quality on the health of the population and to evaluate the water quality indicators of the centralized water supply of the city of Lviv. Topicality. One of the conditions for the health of the population is the availability of high-quality drinking water in the amount that meets human needs. Object of research: drinking water indicators; establishing compliance of drinking water quality indicators of water supply networks of the centralized water supply of the city of Lviv with hygienic standards. The subject of the study: indicators of the quality of drinking water of the centralized water supply of Ukraine Research methods: a literature review of scientific information to assess the impact of the qualitative composition of drinking water on the human body. In modern conditions, the problem of providing the population with good quality drinking water is becoming more and more urgent. With drinking water, a person receives from 8 to 25% of the daily need for minerals According to studies, drinking water that is "enriched" with various chemical elements and impurities can pose a threat to human health and cause disturbances in the vital activity of the body as a whole. Drinking water purified from chemical elements also poses a threat to health. Therefore, the optimal way to solve this problem from the point of view of human health is the consumption of natural water with the necessary set of vital elements. Residents of Lviv repeatedly question the quality of drinking water from the centralized water supply. The paper analyzes the indicators of the quality of tap water in the city of Lviv based on the results of research by the Lviv Vodokanal. According to the results of research, Lviv water does not meet the standards of physiological completeness of the mineral composition of drinking water, which include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and mineralization. The highest rates of exceeding standards were observed in Lychakiv, Sykhiv and Shevchenkiv districts. The indicators in the Frankiv district are the closest to the standards. The water quality was also analyzed, but 55 samples were taken from residents’ taps. In most cases, there is an excess of the norms for iron content and hardness, namely, in the Frankiv district, the water is soft, and in the Zaliznychny, Sykhiv, Lychakiv, and Shevchenkiv districts, the water is hard. The content of iron in the water from the distribution network in the Frankivskyi, Halytskyi and Zaliznykhny districts is within the normal range, while the iron content is higher in the Sykhivskyi, Shevchenkivskyi and Lychakivskyi districts. Research results: The influence of drinking water on the human body was analyzed. It has been confirmed that the systematic use of water containing harmful substances in quantities exceeding permissible limits, or useful chemical elements in quantities lower than physiological norms, leads to certain physiological changes and the formation of pathological conditions. The condition of drinking water in the centralized water supply of Lviv was analyzed. According to research data, the number of water samples that do not meet the requirements of the standard ranges from 0.3 to 1%. Increased hardness and excess iron content were found in the city’s waters. Key words: drinking water, centralized water supply, water hardness, iron content, human health References. 1. DBN V.2.5-74:2013 Vodopostachannia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. 2. DSanPIN 2.2.4-171-10 Hihiienichni vymohy do vody pytnoi, pryznachenoi dlia spozhyvannia liudynoiu. 3. DSTU 4808:2007. Dzherela tsentralizovanoho pytnoho vodopostachannia. Hihiienichni ta ekolohichni vymohy shchodo yakosti vody i pravyla vybyrannia. 4. DSTU 7525:2014 Voda pytna. Vymohy ta metody kontroliuvannia yakosti. 5. Typy zabrudnennia vody i yikh naslidky. URL: https://www.akvantis.com.ua/ua/stati-i-obzory/tipy-zagryazneniya-vody-i-hposledstviya 6. Hirol M. M., Kovalskyi D. A., Khomko V. Ye., Hirol A. M. Problemy yakosti vody v vodoprovidnykh merezhakh, vodopostachannia ta vodovidvedennia. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vodnoho hospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia. 2008. № 2. S. 1–21. 7. Statystychnyi shchorichnyk mista Lvova za 2013 r. – Lviv, 2014. – 140 s. 8. 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