Use of anionic bitumen emulsions for road construction

Students Name: Prokopchyk Svitlana
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Highways and Airfields
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to substantiate and choose the recipes of anionic bitumen emulsion with special emulsifiers for road construction. The object of research is an anionic road bitumen emulsion. The subject of research is the obtained properties of anionic bitumen emulsions. Objectives of the study: 1. To conduct a review of literary sources on the issue-problem of manufacturing anionic bitumen emulsions. 2. To characterize raw materials for bituminous emulsions and to choose comprehensive research methods. 3. Design recipes for anionic bitumen emulsions using special emulsifiers. 4. To establish the physical and technical properties of modified bitumen emulsions with subsequent analysis regarding possible use in road construction. Based on the research results, the effective composition of bituminous anionic fully disintegrating emulsion is: ? Bitumen – 60% (BND 50/70) ? REDICOTE E-47 NPF emulsifier – 1.2% by weight. ? NaOH alkali, pH (7-12) – pH 10.60 ? Water up to 100% of the required volume An effective recipe for anionic bitumen emulsion grades EAP-60 (anions are not modified fully disintegrating) has been developed, which can be used to perform the following road works: preparation of dense emulsion-mineral mixtures with 1-2% lime or 2-3% cement, strengthening of the soil of the upper part of the earthen automotive canvas. way, performing dust removal. Key words: bitumen, anionic emulsion, emulsifier, road construction. References 1. Zhdanyuk, V. K. Properties of anionic bitumen emulsions modified with aqueous cationic latex "Butonal NS 198" / V. K. Zhdanyuk, V. Ya. Terletska // Vestn. I’m looking for - 2008. - Issue 40. - P. 17-20. 2. Physico-chemical mechanics of building materials: Study guide for students of higher educational institutions / V.I. Bratchun, V.O. Zolotaryov, M.K. Pakter, V.L. Bespalov; under the editorship of Doctor of Technical Sciences V.I. Brother - View. 2nd, revised, add. – Makiivka - Kharkiv: DonNABA, 2011.– 336 c. 3. DSTU B V.2.7-129:2013. "Emulsions bitumen road. Specifications." - Kyiv: Ministry of Regions of Ukraine, 2014. 4. DSTU 4044-2001. "Oil road bitumen is viscous. Specifications." - Kyiv: State Standard. 2012. 5. SOU 45.2-00018112-069:2011 "Bitumen petroleum road viscous distillation. Specifications." - Kyiv: Ukravtodor. 2011.