«International Legal Responsibility for Crimes Against Humanity: Forms, Mechanisms and International Experience in the 21st Century»

Students Name: Shevchenko Yana Yuriivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: International Relations
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: In the modern system of international relations, crimes against humanity pose a serious challenge to international security and stability, threatening democratic processes and interactions in the global political process, violating established international principles and norms, leading to devastating consequences and making peaceful coexistence in a globalized society impossible. Despite its socio-political significance and relevance, the problem remains poorly understood, especially in domestic science. The issues of classification and distinction of crimes against humanity require scientific comprehension; institutional and legal mechanisms for combating such crimes and forms of international cooperation to combat and prevent crimes against humanity are insufficiently studied. The issue of the role of international governmental and non-governmental organizations in combating criminal acts requires separate research and analysis. There is not a single monographic study of the problem of crimes against humanity, although this concept was introduced by the Nuremberg Tribunal Charter more than half a century ago. As a rule, only war crimes and crimes against peace were studied, and when the jurisdiction of the International Military Tribunal was described, crimes against humanity were mentioned only in passing. Crimes against humanity, such as forced deportations, sexual violence, physical torture, massacres and repression of various groups of people, are serious human rights violations. They cause suffering to millions of people and violate international law. Understanding and disclosing this problem is fundamental to ensuring justice, punishing those responsible and preventing similar crimes in the future. Study object – international legal responsibility in world politics and the international system (IR). Scope of research – the forms, mechanisms and implementation of international legal responsibility for crimes against humanity. Goal of research is to study the system of international legal responsibility for crimes against humanity and to analyze the institutional and legal mechanisms and forms of responsibility. It has been researched that a crime against humanity should be understood as a socially dangerous inhuman act against any civilian population in the context of a mass or systematic attack on individuals, fundamental inalienable (general) human rights and freedoms, and other rights and freedoms protected by international humanitarian law. It has been revealed the types of crimes against humanity in international relations. The most extensive list of types of crimes against humanity is contained in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Article 7). The International Criminal Court is empowered to prosecute those responsible for international crimes, namely crimes against humanity. The activities of international organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, in preventing, resolving and overcoming crimes against humanity, combating aggression and violence are significant and effective. Keywords: crimes against humanity, trials, murder, deportation, coercion, cruelty, Rome Statute. References. Буроменський, М. (Ред.). (2006). Міжнародне право : навч. посіб. Юрінком Інтер. Кримінальний кодекс України. (2007). ПАЛИВОДА А.В. Морозюк, Р. (2017). Відповідальність держав у міжнародному праві. Підприємництво, господарство і право, Стаття 11. Римський Статут Міжнародного Кримінального Суду. (б. д.). https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/RS-Eng.pdf Schabas, W. (2016). The International Criminal Court: A commentary on the Rome Statute. Oxford University Press.