«Hungary’s Relations With the EU and NATO: Problems and Challenges (2010-2023)»

Students Name: Kablash Serhii Serhiiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: International Relations
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Actuality of the topic. After the global economic crisis of 2008, sentiments of disintegration increased in some EU member states. These sentiments negatively affected both the general integration policy and foreign policy, security, and economic relations with the EU institutions. If democratic processes and adherence to EU values allow you to count on support from the member states of the Commonwealth, then deviation from this path, on the contrary, provokes the blocking of a number of processes, as happened in Hungary. Therefore, it is relevant to study the current political processes in Hungary and their anti-democratic orientation in order to determine the future vectors of Ukraine’s foreign policy towards Hungary and its prospects in the EU. The topic of Hungary is important for research because the speed of Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU, the acceleration of the process of providing aid to Ukraine, etc., depends on Hungary’s policy towards Ukraine. The object of the work is Hungary’s relations with the EU and NATO. The subject of the work is problems and challenges in Hungary’s relations with the EU and NATO in 2010-2023. The purpose of the study is to find out the specifics of Hungary’s relations with the EU and NATO through the prism of the problems between them. Key words: Hungary, NATO, EU, democratic processes, corruption, disintegration sentiments. References. Бабкіна, О. В. (2009). Демократичні детермінанти трансформації політичного життя України у світлі уроків угорської революції 1956 р. та української революції 2004 р. Сучасна українська політика, 17, 201-209. Волянюк, О. (2022). Загрози демократії в Європі: угорський прецедент. Політичні студії, 2 (4), 140-159. Simon, J. (2013). Demokratikus politikai kultura pillere Magyarorszagon – avagy kozvelemeny a magyar demokracia 20 everol. Budapest – Jozsefvaros: Codebook.