Formation of innovative infrastructure of Lviv Polytechnic Science Park

Students Name: Danylovych Olena Tarasivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Economics
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Danylovych O.T., Kozyk V.V. (supervisor). "Formation of innovative infrastructure of Lviv Polytechnic Science Park" Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv 2020. Extended abstract Today, the University is not able to independently provide students, scientists and researchers with high-tech laboratory equipment or prepared facilities for research. This necessitates the adaptation of world and European experience in building university infrastructure, defining its basic elements, models of creation and sources and mechanisms of their funding, solving these problems led to the choice of master’s thesis, its relevance and main research area. The object of research in the work is the process of legal, organizational, financial support for the creation and operation of the innovation infrastructure of the Institution of Higher Education. The subject of research in the work are the basic elements of the innovation infrastructure of the science park on the basis of the Institution of Higher Education and mechanisms for their financing. The purpose of the master’s work is to substantiate the theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of organizational and functional model of the innovation infrastructure of the science park of NU "Lviv Polytechnic" and to develop approaches to the mechanism of financing its basic elements. Research results. Studies have shown that the main basic element of an effective university infrastructure is the innovative FabLab laboratory - a platform where a set of high-tech equipment for digital production, which allows you to quickly and within one laboratory to create prototypes of various products and engage in technical training [1;2]. The paper substantiates the need to create a Coworking Center, which should become a non-alternative for start-ups, IT and outsourcing employees who need a workspace for doing business and training at minimal cost [3]. In particular, the author proposes to transfer the crowdfunding platform StartEra to the organizational and functional model - "donation" and the business model - "reward (Reward-based)" to raise funds for business ideas and social initiatives of the science park NU "Lviv Polytechnic". Research has shown that the creation of a science park will start the formation of a new innovation infrastructure in the region - a network of scientific, research and certified laboratories that will be part of the global FabLab Network [2; 4]. The author proposes an organizational and functional model of the innovation infrastructure of the science park, which in contrast to the existing ones is focused on the pre-acceleration phase of startups implementation and developed a mechanism for financing the creation of basic elements of its infrastructure, which provides for the attraction of grant funds for sectoral support of the EU, budget funds of the State Fund for Rural Development and local budgets of the city and region. Approbation of the model of construction of the infrastructure of the science park and mechanisms of its financing, carried out during the development of the innovative project "Formation of the infrastructure of the science park of NU" Lviv Polytechnic "". The calculations confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed organizational and functional model of the innovation infrastructure of the science park. Key words: science park, innovation infrastructure, crowdfunding, FabLab, coworking, outsourcing. References. 1. Kozyk V., Danylovych Т., Mrykhina O., Havryliak A., 2019.  Research of the formation and development of FabLab as a form of interaction of science and manufacture in Ukraine. TECHNOLOGY AUDIT AND PRODUCTION RESERVES — № 1/5(45), 2019. 2. Havrylyak A.S., Maksymovych V.I., Danylovych O.T. Doslidzhennya mekhanizmu finansovoho zabezpechennya diyal?nosti FabLab u Frantsiyi. «Problemy formuvannya ta rozvytku innovatsiynoyi infrastruktury»: materialy V Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi, L?viv 23–25 travnya 2019 r. – L?viv : Vydavnytstvo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2019. – s. 475-476. 3. Danylovych O. T. Formuvannya navchal?no-vyrobnychykh maydanchykiv universytetiv / O. T. Danylovych, A. S. Havrylyak // Tsili staloho rozvytku u vitchyznyanykh realiyakh: student·s?kyy pohlyad na problemu : tezy dopovidey III Vseukrayins?koyi student·s?koyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi, 19–20 kvitnya 2018 roku, L?viv. — L?viv : Vydavnytstvo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2018. — S. 61 4. Havrylyak A., Petrushka T., Danylovych O., Petrushka K. Sutnist? protsesu planuvannya ta orhanizatsiyi vyrobnytstva novykh vydiv produktsiyi// Zbirnyk naukovykh prats?. Wielokierunkowosc jako gwarancja postepu naukowego Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiya • 21.02.2020 • Varshava, POL. – s. 49-52.