An algorithm for managing contemporary conflicts in the world: experience for Ukraine

Students Name: Shpytok Oleksandra Askoldivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: International Information
Institute: Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: This work is devoted to the analysis of the modern settlement of international conflict and its experience for Ukraine. Chapter I provides a definition of "international conflict", which is natural in nature and has a wide range. An overview of the main types of modern conflicts and features of legal regulation at the international level. Chapter II analyzes international peacekeeping, which is a permanent element of the post-Cold War settlement. But the process of their modern formation and changes is traced. Chapter III is devoted to the study of conflict resolution on the example of the Yugoslav countries, which allows to form an effective algorithm of action. Chapter IIII provides a SWOT-analysis that can be used to examine conflict resolution models in eastern Ukraine and to identify the impact that in some places these models are ineffective in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and its new challenges and demands. Recommendations to Ukraine on further settlement of the conflict were also identified and proposed. The implementation of this work led to the following conclusions: Ukraine’s long-term solution to the conflict in Donbas, the future of the country and the choice of a settlement model should be focused on the long term. This choice will depend on future trends in Ukraine’s political, economic and civilizational development, fleeting changes in the international environment and, of course, the evolution of Russia’s role in the world order. Key words: conflict, modern international conflict, the conflict resolution algorithm, international peacekeeping activity, peacekeeping mission.