Vocational Education (Law) Vocational Education (Law)
Qualification awarded: Bachelor of professional education in the specialty "Law",
law teacher
Entry year: 2022
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Education / Pedagogy
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational and professional program is based on the achievements of pedagogical science, in particular vocational education. It is aims at the development of theoretical, methodological and applied base of vocational education and focuses on current specializations, within which further professional career is possible with emphasis on the latest trends in vocational training, that deepens the professional level in vocational education, computer science, information technologies and provides a basis for further effective pedagogical activities.
Програмні результати навчання: 1. Be able to apply the tools of a democratic legal state governed by the rule of law in professional and public activities, make decisions based on relevant data and established values.
2. Possess information on current normative and legal regulations, legislation, industry standards of professional activity in institutions, industries, organizations of the industry / field (according to specialization).
3. Analyze socially and personally significant worldview issues, realize the value of protecting the independence, territorial integrity and democratic structure of Ukraine.
4. Realize the peculiarities of communication, interaction and cooperation in international cultural and professional contexts.
5. Have deep understanding of culture of the language, choose the optimal communication strategy in communication with groups and individuals.
6. Communicate clearly and unambiguously applying professional knowledge, justifications and conclusions to specialists and general public in the state and foreign languages.
7. Analyze and assess risks, problems in professional activities and choose effective ways to solve them.
8. Plan and organize own professional activities and the activities of students and subordinates independently.
9. Search, process, analyze and evaluate information related to professional activities, apply specialized software and modern means of storing and processing information.
10. Comprehend the basics of psychology, pedagogy, as well as basic and applied sciences (according to specialization) at the level necessary to achieve other learning outcomes provided by this standard and educational program.
11. Possess psychological and pedagogical tools for organizing the educational process, be able to design and implement educational and developmental projects.
12. Analyze the history of the formation of legal phenomena.
13. Be able to design and implement training and development projects.
14. Apply modern didactic and methodological principles of teaching disciplines in professional activities and choose appropriate technologies and techniques in the educational process.
15. Master the skills to stimulate cognitive interest, motivation to learn, professional self-determination and self-development of students.
16. Diagnose, predict, ensure the effectiveness and adjustment of the educational process for achieving program learning outcomes and help students in the implementation of individual educational trajectories.
17. Have knowledge of the basics and apprehend the principles of operation of technological equipment and equipment industry (according to specialization).
18. Perform calculations related to the sphere of professional activity.
19. Solve typical specialized tasks related to the choice of materials, performing the necessary calculations, design, engineering of technical facilities in the subject area (according to specialization).
20. Be able to select and apply the necessary equipment, tools and methods for solving typical complicated tasks in the industry (according to specialization).
21. Interact empathetically, be responsible for decision-making within own competence, adhere to the standards of professional ethics.
22. Apply international and national standards and practices in professional activities.
23. Apply software for e-learning and distance learning and provide their educational and methodological support.
24. Be aware of the socio-economic processes taking place in Ukraine and the world, have the skills of efficient management.
25. Comprehend the basics of personnel and resource management, skills of planning, control, reporting on production, institutions, organizations of the industry or sphere.
26. To know the basics of corruption prevention, public and academic integrity at the level necessary to form intolerance to corruption and manifestations of dishonest behaviour among students and be able to apply them in professional activities.
27. To know the basics of corruption prevention, public and academic integrity at the level necessary to form intolerance to corruption and manifestations of dishonest behaviour among students and be able to apply them in professional activities.
28. Provide equal opportunities and adhere to the principles of gender parity in professional activities.
29. Comprehend the specifics of the quality assurance system of education and features of management of educational institutions.
30. Explicate the nature and content of basic legal phenomena and processes.
Line 1 Educational and Legal activity.
1.Describe the nature and content of norms in the field of information technology.
2. Comprehension of the content and features of legal regulation of family and labor legal relations.
Line 2. Professional mobility of a teacher.
1. Comprehend and be able to apply innovative approaches, principles and methods of teaching in the organization of mentoring, tutoring, coaching and project activities.
2. Be knowledgeable of the essence and features of continuous professional development and professional or professional-pedagogical mobility, that are based on psychological and pedagogical as well as methodological principles of professional pedagogy.
Academic mobility: On the basis of bilateral agreements between the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and universities of Ukraine. and higher educational institutions of foreign partner countries
Work placement(s): Technological practice pedagogical practice practice on the topic of Bachelor's qualification work
Programme director: Huzii Ivanna - Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education
Occupational profiles of graduates: The educational professional program provides an opportunity to study on one of two professional lines (introduced by higher educational institution):
Line 1: "Educational and legal activities" involves the formation of competencies that are aimed to implement by graduates of educational and legal activities.
Line 2: "Professional mobility of teachers" provides the formation of competencies aimed at finding and selecting information and innovative teaching methods in the teaching of legal disciplines for the implementation of continuous professional development and providing professional mobility.
Access to further studies: Obtaining the second (master's) level
Other program features: Experienced human resources and powerful material and technical support of educational activities; student-centered learning and the ability for students to choose educational trajectories (lines); modernization based on taking into account the needs of the market of Educational Services, offers of employers, students, other stakeholders; integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which is based on traditional achievements and innovations of the pedagogical industry and Information Technologies, which forms readiness for effective performance of professional functions of the teacher.