Electronics Electronics
Qualification awarded: Bachelor of Electronics
Entry year: 2024
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Electronics automation and electronic communication
Specific admission requirements: None
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full implementation of the curriculum and defense of the Thesis
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational program is based on the well known position and results of modern scientific research on electronics and focused on modern specialization with further possibility of professional and scientific career: electronics, electronic devices and systems. Students obtains the necessary knowledge of fundamental and oriented on profession, natural sciences, based on the physical principles of electronic engineering, physical basis of sensors, information and materials technology, forecasting, development and production of materials, components and devices of electronic equipment; projection (designing), production technology, research, testing, montage and installation of electronic devices. Experts in electronics possess of the necessary knowledge in electronics and telecommunications. Laboratory classes are carried out by means of the most modern electronic equipment and software, basically of modern equipment and electronic components leading companies, in particular, STMicroelectronics, Cypress, Analog Devices. Modern equipment and electronic components leading companies, for example, STMicroelectronics, cypress, Analog Devices, NVR 3m - installation creation of organic structures VUP-5M - deposited metal contacts 4145 - a semiconductor parameter analyzer - a complex measure electro LEDs and transistor characteristics. In the period of educational practice students carried out of various research tasks and developed of component and devices of electronic equipment, acquainted with the structures of electronics companies, development of design documentation of elements and systems of electronic equipment, etc.
Програмні результати навчання: 1. Describe the principle of operation using scientific concepts, theories, and methods and verify results in the design and application of electronics instruments, devices, and systems. 2. Apply knowledge and understanding of differential and integral calculus, algebra, functional analysis of real and complex variables, vectors and matrices, vector calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations, Fourier series, statistical analysis, information theory, numerical methods to solve theoretical and applied problems of electronics. 3. To find solutions to practical problems of electronics by applying appropriate models and theories of electrodynamics, analytical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics, solid state physics. 4. To evaluate the characteristics and parameters of electronic materials, to understand the basics of solid-state electronics, electrical engineering, analog and digital circuitry, converter and microprocessor technology. 5. Use information and communication technologies, applied and specialized software products to solve problems of designing and debugging electronic systems, demonstrate skills in programming, analyzing and displaying measurement and control results. 6. To apply experimental skills (knowledge of experimental methods and procedure for conducting experiments) to test hypotheses and study electronics phenomena, to be able to use standard equipment, plan, draw up schemes; analyze, model and critically evaluate the results obtained. 7. Analyze complex digital and analog information and measurement systems with advanced architecture of computer and telecommunication networks, taking into account the specifications of selected electronic equipment and relevant technical documentation. 8. Determine and identify mathematical models of technological objects in the development of new complex electronic systems in the computer environment and select the optimal solution. 9. To design complex real-time systems and means of collecting and processing information, consistent with the specified information and software tools through the use of software for embedded systems based on microcontrollers. 10. Develop technical means for building and diagnosing the technical condition of electronic devices and systems, organize and carry out scheduled and unscheduled repairs, adjustment and re-adjustment of electronic equipment in accordance with current production requirements 11. Argue the regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of electronic devices and systems; evaluate the benefits of engineering developments, their environmental friendliness and safety; defend their own worldview and beliefs in production or social activities. 12. Use documentation related to professional activities, using modern technologies and office equipment; use English, including special terminology, to communicate with specialists, conduct literature searches and read texts on technical and professional topics. 13. To be able to assimilate new knowledge, advanced technologies and innovations, to find new non-template solutions and means of their implementation; to meet the requirements of flexibility in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals, rational use and regulation of time, discipline, responsibility for their decisions and activities. 14. Adhere to the norms of modern Ukrainian business and professional language. 15. Demonstrate independent and teamwork skills, leadership qualities, organize work under time constraints with an emphasis on professional integrity. 16. Apply an understanding of the theory of stochastic processes, methods of statistical processing and data analysis in solving professional problems. 17. Demonstrate skills in conducting experimental research related to professional activities; improve measurement techniques; control the reliability of the results obtained; systematize and analyze data obtained experimentally. 18. To apply methods of mathematical modeling and optimization of electronic systems for the development of automated and robotic production complexes. 1. Possession and use of lexical and syntactic models typical for professional communication and professional communication, building communications in oral and written form in the state and foreign languages, based on the goals and situations of communication. 2. Use of communicative competence for effective interaction in various spheres of communication; selection and systematization of information materials for the purpose of communication in the professional sphere. 3. Use of mass media, information and communication technologies to obtain, process and create relevant information in the form of documents, abstracts, reports, articles, interviews. 4. Improvement of personal communication competence on the basis of interpersonal communication skills and abilities on the basis of interpersonal communication skills and abilities, taking into account social, cultural, religious and personal factors. 1. Responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of statements and formulations in state and foreign languages. 2. Responsible attitude to professional duties and performed work, independence in making and implementing decisions in the process of overcoming educational difficulties, relying on one's own experience in creatively solving problems. 3. Independence in data processing, interpretation and generalization, responsibility for promptness, accuracy and reliability of information submission. 4. Responsibility for the quality of the work performed, ensuring the fulfillment of obligations in contractual relations. 5. The ability to independently prepare tasks, organize team professional interaction, develop project solutions taking into account uncertainty, develop relevant methodological and regulatory documents, as well as proposals and measures for the implementation of developed projects and programs.
Academic mobility: No, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance to ECTS procedures
Work placement(s): An important aspect of training of specialist in electronics is the training and qualification of educational and technological practices that take place in university laboratories and leading industries of Western Ukraine.
Programme director: PhD, prof. Yaremchuk Iryna Yaroslavivna
Access to further studies: Obtaining the second (master's) level