Advertising Design

Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.E.100
Credits: 4.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Ruslan Halyshych
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Reasonable basic understanding of the terms in advertising; design and graphic means of harmony of formal and logical principles of advertising design; laws of compositional synthesis, harmonization, sign systems in advertising design; symbol, sign and image in advertising design; the development of the foundations of artistic formulation of elements of the form style and advertising image; complex design of artistic form of advertising and subject-spacious design. Methodology oanalysis of information from the the mass culture. То choose а new advertising and visually artistic ideas (creativity). Analyze the signs of the structure, which may lead to a mass mystery. PRNV2.1. Understand the importance and meaning of pre-project research, analog analysis and be able to use the obtained results in the design of visual communications. PRNV2.2. To take into account the needs of all categories of consumers when creating objects of visual communication. PRNV2.3 Orient in a variety of modern software and hardware tools, use knowledge and skills of working with professional computer support. PRNV2.4. Apply a complex artistic and design approach to create a holistic image of objects of visual communications. Communication. KOM1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish); KOM2. The ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at the professional and social levels. Autonomy and responsibility. AiB1 Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions. AiB2 Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen acquired new professional knowledge. AiB3 Ability to take responsibility for the work performed, make decisions independently, achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics. AiB4 Ability to popularize national and world cultural heritage, as well as promote manifestations of patriotism, national self-awareness and ethno-cultural self-identification. АиВ5 Ability to form environmental consciousness and personal culture, to apply ecological principles in life and professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines Fundamentals of environment design Basics of visual communications Drawing, painting, part 3, 4 Related and subsequent disciplines Interactive design Psychology of design Theory of communications in mass culture
Summary of the subject: The course is consistently based on the main topic of advertising design and auxiliary topics of theoretical and practical provisions, in particular, the theory of communications and graphic design techniques, revealing the basic laws of process design in advertising. The theoretical course forms a knowledge base for the student in order to fully understand the methods of designing complex systems of sign-image language of graphic and multimedia designs for advertising tasks. The theoretical course contains topics that cover the structure and composition of the advertising message; the concept of content and form of advertising message; encoding information of the advertising message. Creative in advertising; cognitive, affective, conative and suggestive aspects of advertising influence; symbolism of archetypes in advertising; system of signs, symbols and images in visual identification; artistic and figurative and communicative consideration of elements of corporate style. The purpose of practical classes is to teach students to apply in practice the acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of mass communication and advertising of goods for various purposes. To acquaint the student with various methods and means of advertising design, ways of its realization in computer graphics, for creation of a set of advertising polygraphic production (advertising design of a food product). Studying and mastering the practical skills of the course requires a creative approach from students, focuses on independent search for ideas and development of original strategies for the implementation of specific practical tasks in the field of advertising and visual communications.
Assessment methods and criteria: Throughout the semester, the student can score 100 points for admission to the theoretical course and for the visibility of individual graphic workers and educational course - classroom and self-sustaining task. Theoretical course - 30%, practical workload - 20%; course graphic task; album with advertising design proposition - 50%.
Recommended books: 1. Verkman D. K. Tovarnyye znaki. Sozdaniye, psikhologiya, vospriyatiye. – M.: Progress, 1986. 2. Kening T. Psikhologiya reklamy (per. s nemetskogo). M., 1925, - 271 s. 3. Koveshnikova N. A. Dizayn: istoriya i teoriya. Izdatel'stvo: OMEGA-L, GRUPPA KOMPANIY, 2007. 4. Kotler. F. Osnovy marketinga. – M., 1992. 5. Kraft Z. Zashchitnaya marka. – Berlin, 1970. 6. Lavrent'yev A. N. Istoriya dizayna. Ucheb. posobiye dlya vuzov. — M.: GARDARIKI, 2007. 7. Lebedev A.N. Zigzag udachi ili tochnyye tekhnologii? Psikhologicheskaya ekspertiza naruzhnoy reklamy: problemy i metody. Reklamnyy mir, №8(47), 1996. 8. Lebedev A.N. Psikhologiya rossiyskoy reklamy: a nuzhen li reklamistu potrebitel'? Marketing i marketingovyye issledovaniya v Rossii, №1, 1996. 9. Lebedev A.N., Bokovikov A.K. Eksperimental'naya psikhologiya v rossiyskoy reklame. M., Akademiya, 1995, - 144 s. 10. Lindsey P., Norman D. Pererabotka informatsii u cheloveka. M., Mir, 1974, - 550 s. 11. Manuylov M.A. Psikhologiya reklamy. M., Gostekhizdat, 1925, - 36 s. 12. Mentatov V. V. Obraz, znak, uslovnost'. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1980. 13. Mokshantsev. R. I. Psikhologiya reklamy. – Moskva, Novosibirsk, 2002. 14. Pobedin V. A. Znaki v graficheskom dizoyne. – Khar'kov: Ranok Vesta, 2001. 15. Utevs'ka F. I. Nevmirushchi znaki. – K.: Veselka , 1981.

Advertising Design (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.E.102
Credits: 4.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Ruslan Halyshych, Philosopher Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Master the basic theoretical principles of advertising in the cultural space and practical design of the main elements of visual communication in printing and multimedia space; basic concepts and terms in advertising and advertising design; preparing students for the development of design and graphic tools used in advertising design; understand the role of symbol, sign and image in advertising design; understand the basic principles of artistic formation of elements of corporate style and advertising image; comprehensive understanding of the artistic formation of advertising and environment design. Ability to compose objects of advertising design. Be able to perform project tasks related to advertising design.
Required prior and related subjects: Basics for the design of visual communications; Drawing, painting, part 1, 2; Basics of composition and art of form, part 1, 2; History of art, architecture and design, part 1; Design, part 1.
Summary of the subject: The discipline is based on the themes of theoretical and practical provisions that reveal the basic patterns of the design process in advertising. The theoretical part contains acquaintance of students with the theory of development of advertising and with the basic channels of transfer of the advertising information; acquaintance with the main types of target audience; with the basics of advertising, which depends on the type of manufacturer and product. With the laws of step-by-step and methodical development of advertising design. The course reveals knowledge of how to form components of advertising information in the main types of printing and multimedia products; with the method of performing project tasks related to advertising design. The practical part of the course presents tasks on the advertising design of food products and its manufacturer, the development of a system of signs and images of identification, slogans, texts, corporate hero, product image. Flyer, booklet, brand book.
Assessment methods and criteria: A course of lectures, practical employment and a course graphic design should be assessed comprehensively. Flow control of lectures (seminars) - 20%. General control - tests, messages, presentation of advertising design ideas - 30%, design of the systems signs and advertising images of the selected topic - 50%.
Recommended books: 1. Verkman D. K. Tovarnyye znaki. Sozdaniye, psikhologiya, vospriyatiye. – M.: Progress, 1986. 2. Kening T. Psikhologiya reklamy (per. s nemetskogo). M., 1925, - 271 s. 3. Koveshnikova N. A. Dizayn: istoriya i teoriya. Izdatel'stvo: OMEGA-L, GRUPPA KOMPANIY, 2007. 4. Kotler. F. Osnovy marketinga. – M., 1992. 5. Kraft Z. Zashchitnaya marka. – Berlin, 1970. 6. Lavrent'yev A. N. Istoriya dizayna. Ucheb. posobiye dlya vuzov. — M.: GARDARIKI, 2007. 7. Lebedev A.N. Zigzag udachi ili tochnyye tekhnologii? Psikhologicheskaya ekspertiza naruzhnoy reklamy: problemy i metody. Reklamnyy mir, №8(47), 1996. 8. Lebedev A.N. Psikhologiya rossiyskoy reklamy: a nuzhen li reklamistu potrebitel'? Marketing i marketingovyye issledovaniya v Rossii, №1, 1996. 9. Lebedev A.N., Bokovikov A.K. Eksperimental'naya psikhologiya v rossiyskoy reklame. M., Akademiya, 1995, - 144 s. 10. Lindsey P., Norman D. Pererabotka informatsii u cheloveka. M., Mir, 1974, - 550 s. 11. Manuylov M.A. Psikhologiya reklamy. M., Gostekhizdat, 1925, - 36 s. 12. Mentatov V. V. Obraz, znak, uslovnost'. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1980. 13. Mokshantsev. R. I. Psikhologiya reklamy. – Moskva, Novosibirsk, 2002. 14. Pobedin V. A. Znaki v graficheskom dizoyne. – Khar'kov: Ranok Vesta, 2001.