Restoration of Stone Sculpture, part 1

Major: Fine Arts, Decorative Art, Restoration
Code of subject: 6.023.01.E.78
Credits: 7.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Assoc. prof Ph.D. Stasiuk OS Assoc. prof,, Ph.D. Melnyk VA
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes: • Knowledge of historical and stylistic, architectural, artistic and plastic-artistic bases of restoration of works of art; • Ability to master historical techniques and technologies of processing materials of works of art; • Be able to perform project documentation for the restoration of works of art; • Ability to communicate. including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages ??(English) • Ability to be responsible in the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: Prequisite: History of arts and crafts, Restorative materials science, Historical techniques and technologies of stone processing Co-requisite
Summary of the subject: Discipline "Restoration of stone sculpture" is based on the study of the following educational blocks - scientific and technological examination of stone sculpture, methods of project restoration, study methods of restoration of works of art from limestone, sandstone, marble, artificial stone, etc. The possibility of using synthetic polymers, pigments, biocides and antiseptics used in restoration for restoration is being studied. Study of artificial masses used in the restoration of works of art from limestone and sandstone. Study of methods of storage and care of stone sculpture. The study of the discipline is the method of sequential teaching of material in the form of thematic blocks.
Assessment methods and criteria: Protection of practical works - 20 points Written and oral control - 10 points Exam Written - 30 points Oral - 40 points The total number of points is 100 points
Recommended books: Pry`byega L.V. Osnovы metody`ky` y`ssledovany`ya pamyatny`kov arxy`tekturы. Uchebnoe posoby`e. – Ky`ev, 1988. – 59 s. Pry`byega L.V. Metody`ka oxorony` ta restavraciyi pamyatok narodnogo zodchestva Ukrayiny`. – Ky`yiv, 1997. – 143 s. Baranovsky`j E.Yu. Naturnыe y`ssledovany`ya pamyatny`kov arxy`tekturы. Metody`chesky`e rekomendacy`y`. – Moskva 1993. Strilenko Yu. M. Konservaciya i restavraciya arxitekturny`x pam'yatok / Yu. M. Strilenko, I. R. Mogy`ty`ch, S. V. Sklyar ta in. // K.: – L.: – 1996. – 586 s. .. Guczulyak R. B. Osobly`vosti texnologiyi ta materialiv dlya konservaciyi i restavraciyi pam'yatok / R. B. Guczulyak, Yu. M. Strilenko.// Budivny`cztvo v Ukrayini. 2003, # 6. . Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 8.06.2000 # 1805-III, Pro oxoronu kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny`. Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 1.06.2000 # 1775-III, Pro licenzuvannya pevny`x vy`div gospodars`koyi diyal`nosti. DBN V.3.2-1-2004, Restavracijni, konservacijni ta remontni roboty` na pam'yatny`kax kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny` Dick Parry. Niezwtkla technika starozytnosci – Amber, Warszawa 2006 – 283 p. Sculpture. From Antiquity to Present Day – Taschen, 2006 – 1152 p. JerzyCiabach. Zywice i tworzywa sztuczne stosowane w konserwacij zabytkow. – Torun, Uniwersytet MikolajaKopernika, 1998. – 237 s. Wieslaw Domaslowski. Preventiv conservation of stone historical objects.- Torun, Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika, 2003 – 244 s.