
Major: Works of Art Restoration from stone
Code of subject: 7.023.01.M.10
Credits: 3.00
Department: Foreign Languages
Lecturer: Say I.V.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • read Latin terms with correct pronunciation and accent and translate them into native language; • know the grammatical system of Latin language and use grammatical material in writing; • demonstrate the ability to write correctly any word or term which they should learn; • use properly the basic lexical minimum; • apply rules of term formation; • translate the original and professional texts of average complexity; • practically use the appropriate terminology in art restoration.
Required prior and related subjects: Ukrainian Language for Specific Purposes
Summary of the subject: A brief history of Latin language and its importance in the international scientific terminology; Alphabetum Latinum; Vocales et consonants; diphthongs – au, eu, ei; digraphs – ae, oe; longitude and shortness of syllables; Accentus; Substantivum, genus, numerus, casus, Declinatio prima, secunda, tertia, quarta, quinta; Adiectivum; Pronomina; Numeralia cardinalia et ordinalia. Infectum and perfectum : Verbum, numerus, genus, persona, modus, tempus, coniugatio, Imperativus praesentis; Praesens indicativi activi et passivi; Imperfectum indicativi activi et passivi; Futurum I (primum) indicativi activi et passivi; Perfectum indicativi activi et passivi; Plusquamperfectum indicativi activi et passivi; Futurum II (secundum) indicativi activi et passivi; Participia.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: reading, writing. Control test. Final control: differentiated test/credit. The distribution of points in 100-point scale Current control (CC) Total for the discipline 100 Classroom work 70 Reading 10 Writing 10 Control test 50 Self-study 30 Grammar tables 5 Translation of Latin texts 10 Glossary of educational vocabulary and terminology 5 Student anthem “Gaudeamus igitur” 5 Latin proverbs 5
Recommended books: 1. Литвинов В. Самовчитель латинської мови за методом Генріха Шлімана. Київ: Києво-Могилянська академія, 2019. – 286 с. 2. Содомора А., Домбровський М., Кісь А. Anno Domini. Року Божого: Латинські написи Львова / Вид. 2-ге, перероблене і доповнене. – Львів: ЛА «Піраміда», 2016. – 336 с. 3. Сторчова T. B. Латинська мова: підручник / Т. В. Сторчова, Ж. Г. Гуменюк. – К.: Видавничий Дім «Слово», 2015. – 512 с. 4. Keller A., Russel S. Learn to Read Latin. Publisher: Yale University Press, 2015. – p. 609 5. Гарник А. В. Латинский язык = Lingua Latina : учебник для студентов учреждений высшего образования по филологическим и историческим специальностям / А. В. Гарник, Г. И. Шевченко. — Минск : БГУ, 2012. — 263 с. 6. Приставко Е. В. Классические языки / Lingua Latina : учеб.-метод. пособие / Е. В. Приставко, О. Г. Прокопчук. – Минск: БГУ, 2019. – 200 с. 7. Шаўчэнка, Г. І. Лацінская мова : вучэбны дапаможнік для студэнтаў устаноў вышэйшай адукацыі па гуманітарных спецыяльнасцях / Г. І. Шаўчэнка, А. В. Гарнік, К. А. Тананушка. — Мінск : БДУ, 2012. — 342 с.