Master’s Thesis Internship

Major: Design of Architectural Environment
Code of subject: 7.191.03.O.016
Credits: 10.50
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Roman Kubai
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of practice on the topic of master's thesis is to master the general and professional competencies acquired in the learning process and the ability to apply them to specific tasks, acquisition and development of research skills (theoretical and empirical methods of collecting and summarizing information) and formulating conclusions on the application of collected information in the master's qualification work.
Завдання: The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: integral competence - the ability to solve creative problems of a research and/or innovative nature in architecture and urban planning. general competencies: GC 01. Ability to think abstractly, analyze and synthesize. GC 02. Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing. GC 04: Ability to use information and communication technologies. GC 06: Ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives). GC 07. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activities. GC 08. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge / types of economic activity). professional competencies: PC 01. Ability to integrate knowledge and solve complex problems of architecture and urban planning in broad or multidisciplinary contexts. PC 02. Ability to solve problems of architecture and urban planning in new or unfamiliar environments in the presence of incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of social and ethical responsibility. PC 03. Ability to analyze, develop and implement architectural and urban planning solutions taking into account socio-demographic, national-ethnic, natural and climatic, engineering and technical factors and sanitary, hygienic, safety, energy-saving, environmental, technical and economic requirements. PC 05. Ability to develop and implement projects in the field of architecture and urban planning. PC 06. Ability to analyze international and domestic experience, collect, accumulate and use information necessary to solve research and innovation problems in the field of architecture and urban planning. PC 07. Ability to project modeling and research of conceptual, full-scale and computer models of architecture and urban planning objects. PC 08. Ability to develop tasks for architectural and urban planning design, organize the design process using data on field surveys, measurement work, urban planning calculation of the design object. PC 09. Ability to manage workflows in the field of architecture and urban planning that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches. PC 10. Ability to generate new ideas and develop innovative solutions in the field of architecture and urban planning.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: LO 01. Have specialized conceptual knowledge that includes modern scientific achievements in the field of architecture and urban planning and is the basis for original thinking and research. LO 02. Possess specialized problem-solving skills necessary for conducting research and/or conducting innovative activities in the field of architecture and urban planning in order to develop new knowledge and procedures. LO 04. Understand and apply in practice the theoretical and practical principles of designing innovative urban planning objects, residential, public, industrial buildings and structures, reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, methods of achieving rational architectural and planning, volumetric-spatial, constructive solutions, ensuring socio-economic efficiency, environmental friendliness, energy efficiency. LO 05. Know, understand and evaluate the characteristics of modern building materials, products and technologies, take into account their features in the development of innovative design solutions for buildings and structures, in projects for the improvement of urban and landscape areas, in the reconstruction and restoration of architectural and urban planning monuments. LO 06. Ensure the harmonization of architectural objects and the built environment, in particular with the application of the principles and methods of the theory of architectural environment design. LO 07. Carry out project modeling, choose digital technologies and software tools for solving research and innovation problems, developing and implementing projects in the field of architecture and urban planning, preparing relevant scientific and technical documentation, making models and visual illustrative materials. LO 08. Organize work on complex architectural and urban planning projects, cooperation with customers and the public in the development, approval and public discussion of architectural projects; clearly communicate their own conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists. LO 13. To justify safety, sanitary and hygienic, environmental, engineering, technical and technical and economic solutions and indicators in complex architectural and urban planning design. LO 14. Carry out author's supervision of the implementation of projects in the field of architecture and urban planning. LO 15. Analyze international and domestic experience in the design of architecture and urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: Prior subjects: Modern architectural theories and doctrines; Architectural Design; Related subjects: Course Project on the Theme of Master's Thesis; Master’s Thesis Preparation.
Summary of the subject: The practice on the topic of the master's qualification work involves deepening and expanding the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of study, working in real design production, acquiring practical skills and initial experience as an architect in a design organization, mastering modern methods and techniques in the development of design and estimate documentation using information technology. The student has to collect theoretical and practical information on the topic of the master's research, summarize the information and formulate conclusions on its application in further work. During the internship, students learn modern forms and methods of work in design organizations and architectural departments of public administration, acquire practical skills and experience in concluding agreements and negotiating with the customer, developing architectural and construction documentation; collect practical material for a qualifying master's thesis.
Опис: Holding an organizational meeting. Familiarization with general functional responsibilities, safety rules at the company and at a particular workplace. Briefing on the internship procedure and on safety and accident prevention. Familiarization with the work schedule, form of labor organization and internal regulations, structural units of the company, and staffing table. Study of employee rights and responsibilities; study of job descriptions. Coordination of goals and objectives of the internship. Work in the company's departments. Students work at an enterprise as an architectural technician, collect materials on the topic of master's research, and perform practical tasks. Summarizing the results of the practice. Preparation of materials collected during the internship. Presentation of a written report to the supervisor, defense of the report.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control is carried out throughout the entire period of practice. The student is allowed to defend the report and receive a credit if the assignment is completed in full, if there is a feedback from the supervisor of the internship from the company. The final control involves the completion of an individual assignment and the defense of a report, which must be submitted to the department no later than one week after the end of the internship.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Individual assignment: relevance to the research topic; completeness of data; quality of graphic materials. Practicum report: completeness of the report; quality of the report; quality of the report.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100-88 points - ("excellent") is assigned for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literature sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena studied in their interconnection and development, clearly, concisely, logically, consistently answer the questions posed, the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 87-71 points - ("good") is assigned for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 70 - 50 points - ("satisfactory") is assigned for poor knowledge of the educational material of the component, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for poor application of theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is assigned for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; 25-00 - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is assigned for ignorance of a significant part of the component's educational material, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate in solving practical problems, ignorance of the basic fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1.DBN V. 2.2-9-2018. Public buildings and structures. Main provisions. Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2018. 84 p. 2. Bilokon Y.M., Fomin I.O. Science and creativity in architecture. K.: Logos, 2006. 208 p. 3. Types of buildings and architectural structures: Study guide. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. 204 p. 4. Kutsevych V.V. Regulatory and methodological foundations of architectural design of public buildings and structures: a textbook. Kyiv, 2016. 111 p. 5. Linda S.M., Morklyanyk O.I. Typology of public buildings and structures: Textbook. L.: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. 348 p. 6. Mykhailenko V., Yakovlev M. Fundamentals of composition (geometric aspects of artistic forming) K.: Caravella, 2004. 304 p. 7. Neufert E. Building design. D.: Knizhkova Litera, 2016. 624 с. 8. Panchenko, T. F. Landscape and recreational planning of protected areas, monograph. K.: Logos, 2015. 170 p. 9. Proskuryakov V. A set of tasks and methodological instructions for course projects on the design of the architectural environment of public buildings and structures for students of the Institute of Architecture of III-V courses: methodological instructions. L: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2009. 144 p. 10. Cherkes B.S., Linda S.M. Architecture of the Present: the last third of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries: Study guide. L.: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2014. 384 p.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to receive higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of Accessibility to Learning Opportunities "Without Limits", which aims to provide constant individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for implementing inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program of Professional Development of Academic Staff and Teaching and Support Staff in the Field of Social Inclusion and Inclusive Education. For more information, please contact us at: 2/4 Karpinskoho St., I-st academic building, room. 112 E-mail: Websites:
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