Architecture of Information and Communication Systems

Major: Information and Communication Systems
Code of subject: 6.126.02.E.057
Credits: 5.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: candidate of technical sciences Pyrih Yuliia Volodymyrivna
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form general cultural and professional competencies in students that determine the readiness and ability of a specialist in information and communication systems and technologies to use knowledge in the field of information and communication systems in solving practical problems within the framework of design and development, design and technological and production and technological activities of professional activity. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must: - master the basic principles of building information and communication systems; - study architectures, models of information and communication systems, the main components of information and communication systems; - acquire theoretical and practical skills in the use of modern software tools for creating information and communication systems.
Завдання: The study of the discipline involves the development of competencies in students: general competences: - INT. Ability to solve complex specialised problems and practical problems in the field of information systems and technologies, or in the learning process, characterised by complexity and uncertainty of conditions that require the application of theories and methods of information technology. professional competences: - PCC2.1 Ability to apply information and communication technologies, methods and models of information security; - PCC2.5 Ability to use modern design technologies in the development of algorithmic and software of information and communication systems. - PCS2.6 Ability to apply, implement and operate modern information and communication systems in various fields of human activity, national economy and production.
Learning outcomes: PLO2.1. Apply mathematical methods, computer models, modelling languages and software tools to perform practical tasks in the speciality COM 1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign (English) languages; COM 2. Ability to use a variety of methods of modern information technology for effective communication at the professional and social levels. AiB1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions; АіВ2. Ability to recognise the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge; АіВ3. Ability to be responsible for the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics;
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines (prerequisites) 1. Operating systems 2. Fundamentals of information technology Related and subsequent disciplines (co-requisites) 1. Web-oriented information systems 2. Technologies of information and communication systems
Summary of the subject: The development of information and communication system consists of three stages: analysis, design and implementation, as a result of iterative implementation of which is a step-by-step "building" of the system. At the stages of analysis and design, the architecture of the future information and communication system is being built. The software architecture of a system or set of systems consists of all important design decisions about the program structures and the interactions between those structures that make up the system. Design solutions provide the desired set of properties that the system must maintain to meet customer requirements and function effectively. Having studied the educational material of this course, students will learn or supplement their knowledge of existing architectures, models of information and communication systems, the main components of the systems; learn to use modern software to create effective information and communication systems.
Опис: 1. The concept of "information and communication systems" and their classification 2 Structure and elements of information and communication systems 3 The concept of "architecture of information and communication systems". Types of architectures 4 Concept and classification of architectural styles 5 Client-server architecture 6 Architecture of distributed data processing. Architecture of web applications 7 Integration and models of information systems 8 Fundamentals of building and using modern databases
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of laboratory work results is provided as the main form of current control. Semester examination control is carried out in writing on the basis of a developed set of examination tickets.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control (assessment of laboratory classes) - 40%; Examination control (written component + oral component) - 60%.
Recommended books: 1. Sergeev V. I. Logistika: informatsionnyie sistemyi i tehnologii : uchebn. prakt. posobie / V. I. Sergeev, M. N. Grigorev, S. A. Uvarov. — M. : Alfa-Press, 2008. — 608 s. 2. Osnovi InformatsIynih sistem: Navch. posIbnik. – Vid. 2-ge, pererob. I dop. / V. F. Sitnik, T. A. Pisarevska, N. V. EromIna, O. S. KraEva; Za red. V. F. Sitnika. – K.: KNEU, 2001. – 420 s. 3. Arhitektura informatsionnyih sistem [Tekst]: ucheb. dlya stud. uchrezhdeniy vyissh. prof. obrazovaniya / B.Ya. Sovetov, A.I. Vodyaho, V.A. Dubenetskiy, V.V. Tsehanovskiy. – M.: Izdatelskiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2012. – 288 s. 4. Larman K. Primenenie UML i shablonov proektirovaniya: Vvedenie v ob'ektnoorientirovannyiy analiz i proektirovanie: Uchebnoe posobie: Per. s angl. - M.: Vilyams, 2001. - 496 s. 5. Eliferov V. G. Biznes-protsessyi: Reglamentatsiya i upravlenie: Uchenik / V. G. Eliferov, V. V. Repin. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 320 s. 6. Pavlenko L. A. KorporativnI InformatsIynI sistemi: Navchalniy posIbnik. – HarkIv: VD «INZhEK», 2003. – 260 s. 7. Karpov L.E. Arhitektura raspredelennyih sistem programmnogo obespecheniya / L.E. Karpov. – M.: MAKS Press, 2007. – 130 s. 8. SuchasnI InformatsIynI sistemi I tehnologIYi: navch.-metod. posIb. dlya samost. roboti ta prakt. zanyat z navch. distsiplIni / uklad.: V. G. Ivanov, S. M. Ivanov, V. V. Karasyuk ta In. – H.: Nats. yurid. un-t Im. Yaroslava Mudrogo, 2014. – 151 s. 9. Gayna G. A. Osnovi proektuvannya baz danih : navch. posIb. / Gayna G. A. – K.: Kondor, 2008. – 200 s. 10. Zaritska O. L. Bazi danih ta InformatsIynI sistemi : metod. posIb. / Zaritska O. L. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2009. – 132 s. 11. Gaydamakin, N. A. Avtomatizirovannyie informatsionnyie sistemyi, bazyi i banki dannyih : ucheb. posobie / N. A. Gaydamakin. – M. : Gelios ARV, 2002. – 367 s. 12. Yarotskiy, A. P. Informatsionnyie tehnologii: kontseptualnyie osnovyi : kurs lektsiy / A. P. Yarotskiy. – Barnaul : Izd-vo AltGTU im. I. I. Polzunova, 2007. – Ch. 1. – 106 s. 13. Dolzhenkov V., Stuchenkov A. Microsoft Office Excel 2010. – SPb.: BHV-Peterburg, 2011. – 816 s. 14. Trofimenko E. G. Sozdanie i obrabotka baz dannyih : kurs lektsiy / Trofimenko E. G., Bukata L. N., Shvayko I. G. – Odessa: ONAS im. A.S. Popova, 2014. – 140 s. 15. Robert T. Fatrell, Donald F. Shafer, Linda I. Shafer. Upravlenie programmnyimi proektami. Dostizhenie optimalnogo kachestva pri minimume zatrat.: Perso-na. – M.: Izdatelskiy dom «Vilyams», 2004g. – 1136 s. 16. Vostokin, S.V. Graficheskaya ob'ektnaya model parallelnyih protsessov i eeprimenenie v zadachah chislennogo modelirovaniya [Tekst] / S.V. Vostokin. Izd-vo Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN – Samara, 2007. 186 s.