
Major: Micro and Nanosystems of the Internet of Things
Code of subject: 6.153.03.O.028
Credits: 3.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: CSc (Philosophy), Assoc. professor Chursinova O.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: o develop in students the skills of independent identification and consideration of worldview problems of life, methodological problems of cognition and activity with the involvement of the conceptual apparatus of philosophy; to awaken students' interest in spiritual searches and broadening the horizon of personal worldview. One of the main tasks of the course is to clarify the reasons for the increase in the importance of humanitarian knowledge under the conditions of the complication of interpersonal relations in modern society.
Завдання: general competences: KZ 1. The ability to improve and develop one's intellectual and general cultural level, to realize the value and importance of the need for self-improvement, to evaluate the worldview, social and moral positions of other people and to formulate the grounds of one's justified position; KZ 2. The ability to combine one's position and interests with the positions and interests of other people, to understand the extent of one's responsibility for what happens to other people and nature, for the fate of the future. KZ 3. To have a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, the ability to logically, argumentatively and clearly build oral and written speech. Acquiring the skills of flexible thinking, the ability to ask questions and find ways to solve them, consider paradoxes, alternatives, contradictions. KZ 4. The ability to be critical and self-critical in order to understand the factors that have a positive or negative impact on interpersonal communication, and the ability to identify and take into account these factors in specific communication situations; KZ 5. The ability to produce new ideas, to identify promising trends based on the analysis of information from various sources, to show creativity, the ability to think systematically, consistently, holistically. KZ 6. The ability to navigate the most general philosophical problems of being, knowledge, values, freedom and the meaning of life as the basis for the formation of the culture of a citizen and a future specialist; KZ 7. The ability to determine the worldview positions of social and individual plans and use them to plan adequate actions in society and in interpersonal relationships, to form the worldview, moral, aesthetic attitudes and value orientations necessary for active activity in the professional sphere and in all other spheres of social life , adequate assessment of the state and prospects of its possible development. professional competences: CS 1. Basic knowledge of the fundamental principles of philosophy to the extent necessary for professional activity; CS 2. Basic knowledge of concepts, theories and methods necessary for studying and understanding the peculiarities of human life and their use both in the professional sphere and in everyday life practices; CS 3. Ability to show creative activity, initiative, responsibility in the process of solving professional tasks; CS 4. Ability to use the basic principles and methods of humanitarian sciences when solving social and professional tasks; CS 5. The ability to identify socially significant problems in the process of professional activity, analyze and solve them. CS 6. To orient oneself in conditions of frequent changes of technologies in professional activity, as well as in social and ethical problems related to the development and use of achievements of science, technology and technology.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: know: • socio-historical purpose of philosophy and features of worldview knowledge construction; • the main periods of the development of world and Ukrainian philosophy, the time and prerequisites for the emergence of philosophical paradigms; • original ideas of outstanding representatives of world and Ukrainian philosophy and their vital significance; • leading problems of modern philosophy and to navigate in their content; • the meaning of basic philosophical terms. • compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of certain philosophical positions; • to compare partially scientific and philosophical visions of certain problems; • qualitatively process selected passages of philosophical primary sources. • be able to analyze life problems using philosophical concepts and categories; • to form one's own philosophical position on worldview issues;
Required prior and related subjects: History of European Civilization and Ukrainian Culture, History of Ukraine, Sociology
Summary of the subject: The "Philosophy" course is a basic regulatory discipline for most majors of Lviv Polytechnic University. It is of leading importance in the structural and logical scheme of the educational and professional program of training specialists of various fields and specialties. The content, teaching methods, independent work, forms of intermediate and final control should ensure the effective performance of the tasks of forming students' understanding of the prerequisites and specifics of the existence of a philosophical paradigm, students' awareness of the place of philosophy in human culture and their lives in particular. The content of the program is aimed at studying the history of philosophical searches and the discovery of the ultimate landmarks of human existence, the gradual historical formation of the culture of human thinking, the forms and levels of human cognitive activity, an in-depth understanding of existence, history and culture, fundamental dimensions and values ??of human existence. The program is aimed at ensuring the academic training of students.
Опис: Philosophy as intellectual form of a human activity, Ancient Philosophy (India, China, Greece), Medieval Philosophy and Philosophy of the Renaissance, Philosophy of Modern Times, German Classical Philosophy, the Transition from Classical to Non-Classical Philosophy, Philosophy of XX –XXI centuries, Ukrainian Philosophy, The Problem of Being in Philosophy, Consciousness as Philosophical Problem, Cognition and Knowledge: Their Structure and Dynamics, A Human Being as the Subject of Philosophical Reflection, Philosophy of History, Social Philosophy, The Philosophical Issues of Contemporary Culture and Civilization.
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral survey at seminar classes; • assessment of the quality of knowledge during discussions according to the seminar plans; • listening to fixed reports at seminar classes; • protection of the essay; • assessment of completed individual tasks (tasks, exercises, tests); • assessment of performance of intermediate test tasks; • written dictations on theory; • presentations and visualizations; • conducting a final exam consisting of a written and an oral component
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: - Current control (40%): oral examination, tests, reports. - Final control (60%): exam
Recommended books: 1. Petrushenko V.L. Filosofia: Kurs lektsij. Navchal’nyj posibnyk dla studentiv vyschych navchal’nych zakladiv III-IV rivniv akredetatsij. – L’viv, 2008. 2. Hysev V. I. Zakhidna filosofia Novoho chasu. XVII-XVIII. – Kyiv, 2000. 3. Hors’kyj V. S. Istoria ukrajins’koji filosofii. – Kyiv, 2001. 4. Furst M., Trinks Ju. Filosofia. Perek. z nim. Vakhtanga Kebuladze. Kyiv: DUKH I LITERA, 2018. - 554 s. 4. Skraton R. Korotka istoria novitn’oji filosopfii. – Kyiv, 1998. 5. Tatarkevych V. Istoria filosofii. T.1-3. – L’viv, 1998-1999. 6. Chyzevs’kyj D. Narysu istorii filosofii na Ukrajini. – Kyiv, 1991.