Electronic Elements and Devices for Security Systems

Major: Electronics
Code of subject: 6.171.00.M.051
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Electronic Engineering
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. Kuchmiy Halyna Lyubomyrivna
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Structure and general principles of creation and operation of protection systems. 2. Methods of creating systems for protection of premises and information. 3. Methods of creating special purpose alarm systems (fire, radiation, etc.). 4. Legal aspects of the use of electronic special purpose systems. 5. Develop elements and systems of protection and special alarms. 6. Manage the operation of protection systems. 7. Use methods of electronic protection of premises and information.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Element base of solid-state electronics. Co-requisites: Informatics of infocommunication systems. Physical foundations of electronic engineering. Materials and structures of nanoelectronics.
Summary of the subject: • General information about security and protection systems. • Basics of registration tools. • Technical means of security systems. • Radio wave sensor devices. • Sensors and fire protection devices. • Optical smoke sensors. • Devices and devices of access control and management systems. • Identification systems. • Devices of video surveillance systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: Monitoring: tests, practical work, and individual research tasks (40%). Final control: credit (60%).
Recommended books: Basic literature: 1. Електронні елементи та пристрої систем безпеки і охорони. Навчальний посібник за редакцією Готри З.Ю./ Барило Г.І., Вісьтак М.В.,Готра З.Ю., Лесінський В.В., Політанський Л.Ф.- Чернівці:Рута 2017.- 216 с. 2. Пожарная и охранно-пожарная сигнализация. Проектирование, монтаж и обслуживание: Справочник/ М.М. Любимов, С.В. Собурь / Под ред. академика Любимова М.М.— 3-е изд. (перераб.). — М.: ПожКнига, 2010. — 336 с. Supporting literature: 1. В.А. Рыжова Проектирование иисследование комплексных систем безопасности Рыжова В.А. СПб: НИУ ИТМО, 2012. – 157 с 2. В.Дамьяновски Библия видеонаблюдения – 3, ВладоДамьяновскиМ.:SecurityFocus 2017, 412 с.