Internship According to the Bachelor's Thesis

Major: Electronics
Code of subject: 6.171.00.O.047
Credits: 4.50
Department: Department of Electronic Engineering
Lecturer: DSc Tech., prof. Stakhira Pavlo Yosypovych
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of the internship, students should know: • structure of the practice base; • methods of acquaintance and study of technical documentation; • methods of calculations, computer modeling and experimental research of electronic devices and systems and technological processes in the electronic industry; • methods of economic calculations; • methods of labor protection, man-made protection and environmental friendliness; • principles of patenting, licensing and certification of electronic equipment. Be able: • obtain and analyze theoretical and empirical material; • independently conduct calculations, computer modeling and experimental research of electronic devices and systems and technological processes in the electronic industry; • use computer-aided design methods and new integrated computer technologies; • conduct a literary-patent search. Gain skills: • research of electronic devices and systems of various applications; • modeling and computer analysis in electronics; • use technical information from literature sources and electronic resources.
Required prior and related subjects: Physical foundations of electronic technology Basics of modeling for electronic technology Microprocessors and systems based on them Expert systems Automated design of elements and devices electronic technology Electronic systems Analog circuitry
Summary of the subject: The internship is aimed at consolidating students' theoretical knowledge and gaining practical experience and skills of independent work in the field of electronics. The purpose of the practice is to consolidate, deepen and expand the knowledge acquired in the learning process of modern development methods and new electronic devices and systems, in accordance with the theme of the bachelor's thesis. The task of the practice is to study the principles of organization of the practice base, acquaintance with the main indicators of its work and new developments in the field of electronics; collecting materials for use in qualifying work; study of labor protection, ecology, fire safety and man-made protection; consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge in disciplines that address the development, modeling, calculation and experimental research of electronic devices and systems, biomedical electronics; acquisition of practical skills in the workplace; collection of source material for the quality of the bachelor's qualification work and preparation of its practical part.
Assessment methods and criteria: The results of the internship are evaluated during the defense of the internship report. Evaluation of students' work during all types of practice is carried out by the head of practice from the base of practice (gives a brief description of student work and recommended score on a 100-point scale), head of practice from university (assesses the level of implementation of the program documents, diligence in performing the duties of a student-intern) and a special commission formed of practice leaders from the university, teachers of the department and representatives of practice bases to hear students' reports on the results of practice.
Recommended books: 1. Методичні вказівки до організації та проведення усіх видів практики студентів спеціальності 171 «Електроніка» за першим (бакалаврським) та за другим (магістерським) рівнем вищої освіти денної та заочної форми навчання / Укладачі: Микитюк З.М., Кремер І.П., Івах М.С. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2019. – 23 с. 2. Системи та пристрої відображення інформації: монографія / С.В. Павлов, Г.Д. Дорошенко, З.Ю. Готра та ін. – Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2018. – 216 с. 3. Електронні елементи та пристрої для систем безпеки й охорони: навч. посібник / Г.І. Барило, М.В. Вісьтак, З.Ю. Готра та ін. – Чернівці: Рута, 2017. – 216 с. 4. Системний аналіз та експертні системи: навч. посібник / Г.І. Барило, Ю.Я. Бобало, З.Ю. Готра та ін. – Фіктивне місто в Україні: Фіктивне видавництво в Україні, 2017. – 408 с. 5. Лазерні медичні технології: навч. посібник / З.Ю. Готра , С.В.Павлов, З.М. Микитюк та ін. – Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2017. – 158 с.