Fundamentals of Economics in Aviation

Major: Avionics
Code of subject: 6.173.00.O.015
Credits: 5.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: PhD in Economics, Associate professor Seniv L.A.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of the course is to study the basics of modern micro- and macroeconomic theories and, on this basis, to develop students' skills to independently analyze economic processes occurring both in Ukraine and in foreign countries, to develop students' skills and abilities necessary for making economic decisions.
Завдання: general competences: - the ability to interpret modern economic theories, the role of the state and subjects of the market economy; - knowledge in the field of the essence and necessity of forming a strategy of socio-economic development, the essence of forecasting in the system of state regulation of the economy, methods of making economic forecasts; - free orientation in the system of national accounts, methods of determining macroeconomic indicators, trends in changes in macroeconomic indicators, factors of economic growth; - solving the theoretical and practical tasks of modern business cycles, the causes of economic crises, ways to overcome them, mechanisms for regulating the economic situation, determining priority industries, mechanisms for structural restructuring of the economy, the main directions of investment activity; - using knowledge of economic theory as a basis for gaining experience in the field of professional activity; professional competences: - readiness to apply methods of research and analysis of the current state of the national economy, the domestic market and the existing mechanisms of its regulation, to determine the impact of various factors on the economic development of the country, to justify measures to increase the efficiency of foreign economic activity; - readiness to analyze the cause-and-effect mechanisms of economic phenomena and processes, to evaluate the effectiveness of the state's economic policy.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of basic macroeconomic measuring such as the volume of domestic product, price level and methods of their calculation. 2. The ability to detect signs of instability in the economy, its causes and consequences. 3. Knowledge of the main methods of economic analysis, based on the comparison of aggregate demand and aggregate supply and aggregate spending and output. 4. Knowledge of financial markets, the modern banking system, the demand of money and money supply in the economy, mechanism of monetary policy.
Required prior and related subjects: History of Ukraine, Fundamentals of aviation, Fundamentals of law.
Summary of the subject: The working program of the academic discipline was developed in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine on the basis of the educational and professional program of bachelor's training. The main tasks of the course are to help students understand the transformational processes in the economy of Ukraine, the problems of the transitional economy; orient yourself in choosing an effective management solution; learn the primary skills of rational economic behavior. The knowledge that the student will acquire by studying the basics of economic theory is a theoretical and methodological basis for further mastering professional disciplines.
Опис: Economics as a science. The concept of social production and its structure. Factors of production; The division of labor, commodity production. Money. Forms of social production and economic systems of the modern world; Supply and demand. Market equilibrium price. Business in a market economy. Macroeconomics as a science. National product. Macroeconomic instability. Monetary and fiscal policy of the state. World Economy.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control - knowledge assessment methods: written testing on the topics of the lecture course, oral and face-to-face interviews, presentations at practical classes, defense of test papers.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: current control-100%
Recommended books: 1. Аналітична економія: Макроекономіка і мікроекономіка: Підручник: У 2-х кн. — Кн. 2: Мікроекономіка. Затверджено МОН / За ред. С.М. Панчишина. — К., 2010. — 437 с. 2. Економіка [Текст]: навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / М. П. Бутко, О. Ю. Акименко, Н. В. Васильєва [та ін.] ; за ред. М. П.- Ніжин: Аспект-Поліграф, 2011.- 611 с. 3. Економічна теорія. Макроекономіка [Текст] : підручник / [В. М. Тарасевич та ін.] ; за ред. д-ра екон. наук, проф. В. М. Тарасевича. - К. : Знання, 2012. - 206 с. 4. Економічна теорія: Мікроекономіка: Підручник. Затверджено МОН / За ред. В.М. Тарасевича. — К., 2012. — 134 с. 5. Економічна теорія: навч. посібник / Г.І. Скорик, В.В. Барінов, М.Б. Швецова. –Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. -188 с.