Occupational and Civil Safety

Major: Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices and Systems
Code of subject: 7.153.02.O.3
Credits: 3.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Korzh Halyna Ivanivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: P9 (153) To ensure the quality of production; to choose technologies that guarantee obtaining the necessary characteristics of solid-state devices; apply modern methods of control of micro- and nanosystem technology. PH6 P11. (153) To study the processes in micro- and nanoelectronic systems, devices and components using modern experimental methods and equipment, to perform statistical processing and analysis of experimental results. P13. (153) Manage complex work processes in the field of production and / or research of micro- and nanoelectronic systems, objectively evaluate the performance of the team and individual employees, identify measures to improve performance.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of labor protection and safety of life; Practice on the topic of master's qualification work; Humanitarian bloc Execution and defense of master's qualification work
Summary of the subject: Occupational safety measures when operating computer equipment. Mode of work and rest when working on a PC. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for CT rooms. Legal and organizational support of professional security in the industry Legislative and regulatory framework for occupational safety in the industry. Analysis of the causes of occupational injuries at facilities according to specializations. Organization of labor protection at the enterprises of telecommunication and radio engineering branches. Certification of jobs. Safety measures during the operation of electronic devicesSources of electromagnetic radiation and the nature of the propagation of electromagnetic energy.Features of physicochemical properties of nanomaterials Toxic effect of nanomaterials. Potential ways of entering nanoparticles into the human body. Ways of decontamination of nanoparticles. The effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body. Measures to protect against the negative effects of EMR. Safety measures when working with laser radiation. Occupational safety measures when operating computer equipment. Mode of work and rest when working on a PC. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for CT rooms. Electrical safety and fire safety measures in premises with CT. State policy in the field of civil protection of the population and territories from man-made and natural disasters Ensuring measures and actions within a single system of civil protection Special function in the field of civil protection Planning of protection measures in zones of technogenic and natural emergencies.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (20%): written report from a practical settlement and graphic works (20%) • Final control (60% differentiated test)
Recommended books: 1) Ткачук К. Н., Халімовський М. О., Зацарний В. В. та ін. Основи охорони праці: Підручник. – 2-ге вид., допов. і перероб. – К.: Основа, 2006. – 444 с. 2) Протоєрейський О. С, Запорожець О. І. Охорона праці в галузі: Навч. посіб. – К.: Книжкове вид-во НАУ, 2005. – 268 с. 3) Основи охорони праці: Підручник / За ред. проф. В.В.Березуцького – Х.: Факт, 2005. – 480 с. 4) Аветисян В.Г., Сенчихін Ю.М., Куліш Ю.О. и др. – К.: Основа – 2006. Рятувальні роботи при надзвичайних ситуаціях. Частина 1: Навчальний посібник. 5) О.П. Депутат, І.В. Коваленко. Цивільна оборона. Львів „Афіша” – 2000. 6) Васійчук В.О., Гончарук В.Є., Качан С.І., Мохняк С.М., Основи цивільного захисту:Навч. Посібник/Львів, 2010 -384с. 7) Третьяков О.В., Зацарний В.В., Безсонний В.Л. Охорона праці: Навчальний посібник з тестовим комплексом на CD/ за ред. К.Н. Ткачука. – К.: Знання, 2010. – 167 с. 8) Гогіташвілі Г. Г., Карчевські Є.-Т., Лапін В. М. Управління охороною праці та ризиком за міжнародними стандартами: Навч. посіб. – К.: Знання, 2007. – 367 с. 9) Катренко Л.А., Кіт Ю.В., Пістун І. П. Охорона праці. Курс лекцій. Практикум: Навч. посіб. – Суми: Університетська книга, 2009. – 540 с. 10) Березюк О. В., Лемешев М. С. Охорона праці в галузі радіотехніки: Навч. посіб. – Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2009. – 159 с. 11) Батлук В. А. Охорона праці в галузі телекомунікацій: Навч. посіб. – Львів: Афіша, 2003. – 320 с.