System Programming in Infocommunications

Major: System Administration of Telecommunications Networks
Code of subject: 7.172.02.M.19
Credits: 5.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Ivan Demydov
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result, after the discipline laerning, the specialist must know: • features of object-oriented and functional programming of telecommunication system platforms (information and communication systems); • the main approaches to the creation of a distributed service architecture; • principles of Load Balancing - paralleling a workload undergoing information processing at communication service architecture; • basics of design, debugging and maintaining of effective information and communication software solutions based on the use of languages of parallel programming in complex distributed information and communication system platforms. Prepared specialist should be able to: • choose the most effective software platform for the implementation of information and communication solutions required by the criteria of efficiency / reliability; • apply skills in parallel programming of distributed information and communication platforms (Erlang); • create distributed client-server solutions for information and communication purposes; • integrate heterogeneous system programming technologies in a single information and communication software platform using the databases.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: • Informatics (by professions), part 1 (bachelor program); • Informatics (by professions), part 2 (bachelor program); • Telecommunications software (bachelor program); • Technologies of the program platforms development; • Distributed service systems and cloud technologies.
Summary of the subject: The concept of system programming information and communication platforms. Overview of programming languages. Paradigms of system programming. Declarative. Pseudo parallel software platforms (Cisco IOS, Microsoft Windows .NET). Paralleled software platform (multi-environment C #, Erlang). Distributed Infocommunication software platform. Functional paradigm of language Erlang. Parallel programming language Erlang system and the modern paradigm of system programming. The ideology of parallel programming. Distributed computing. Language Erlang: Syntax. The basic design. Templates. Language Erlang: Polymorphism. The effectiveness of the code. Parallel asynchronous processes and mechanisms of information exchange. Basic software templates. Multicore parallelization tools Erlang. Client-server template models. An example of a simple distributed client-server system. Distributed Network System in Erlang. Standardized Library of Open Telecommunications Platform (Erlang OTP). Supervising hierarchy software platform. Handling TCP Sockets, UDP-messages. Approaches and Technologies intersystem interactions. Platform database of Mnesia. Characteristics of programming languages C # / Parallel C #. Characteristics of pseudo parallel system programming. Features of Cisco IOS. Concept of Microsoft .NET, NET API: Platform Windows, ASP.NET. UTS and COM. Concepts of object-oriented programming. Component Model of Sun Microsystems Java Beans. Information and communication platform Softswitch: Architecture Parlay API / Parlay X.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory work, streaming blitz testing, evaluation of individual research tasks (defense) (40%); • final control (60% verification event, exam), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: Basic 1. Томпсон С., Чезарини Ф. Программирование в Erlang / Пер. с англ. Холомьёва А. О. - М.: ДМК Пресс, 2012. - 488 с.: ил. (Серия "Функциональное программирование"). 2. Armstrong J. Programming Erlang. Software for a Concurrent World. Dallas, TX: The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007. – 519 pp.: illustrated. 3. Фримен А. Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#. М.: Apress, 2010. – 328 c.: ил. 4. Neward T. Server-Based Java Programming. Grinwich: Manning, 2013. – 556 pp. Supplementary 5. Боллапрагада В., Мэрфи К., Уайт Р. Структура операционной системы Cisco IOS = Inside 5isco IOS. — М.: «Вильямс», 2002. — 208 с. 6. Нейгел К., Ивьен Б., Глинн Дж., Уотсон К. C# 4.0 и платформа .NET 4 для профессионалов. М.: Диалектика, 2011. – 1440 с. 7. Рихтер Дж. CLR via C#. Программирование на платформе Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 на языке C#. 3-е изд. СПб.: Питер, 2012. – 928 с.: ил. 8. Гольдштейн Б.С., Фрейнкман В.А. Call-центры и компьютерная телефония. СПб.: БХВ - Санкт-Петербург, 2002. – 372 c. 9. Moerdijk A.J., Klostermann L. Opening the networks with Parlay//OSA APIs: standards and aspects behind the APIs. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: http:// 10. Дейтел Х.М., Дейтел П.Дж., Сантри С.И. Технологии программирования на Java 2 (в 3 томах). Том 2. М.: Бином, 2003. – 468 с.