State and public databases as objects of information legal relations
Students Name: Klub Andrii
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Law
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Club AI, Blikhar MM (head). State and public databases as objects of information legal relations. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2021. Improvements in information technology and the rapid increase in the array of information resources have significantly changed approaches to understanding the role and importance of databases in the implementation of state information policy. Modern databases have come to be perceived not only as an intellectual product of original content, but also as an effective and convenient means of accumulation and systematization of information presented in electronic form. The advantages of this form of information organization allow us to consider databases as an important tool for solving problems of organizing state and public information resources. The development of the system of public relations on the formation and use of databases, especially in the field of public administration, shows that for the implementation of effective legal regulation of civil law today is not enough. The Civil Code of Ukraine takes into account only the features of databases as a result of intellectual activity [1; 2]. The theory of the science of information law is manifested in the forefront of sectoral developments in the legal regulation of state and public databases [3]. The object of research is public relations that arise in the field of formation and use of state and public databases. The subject of research - a set of regulations governing the creation, use and provision of legal protection of state and public databases, as well as theoretical scientific sources and law enforcement practice on the subject. The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose is to develop and theoretically substantiate the provisions of information law on the peculiarities of the legal nature of databases in the field of state and municipal government, the patterns of development and the main directions of improving legal regulation of public relations in the formation and use of state and public databases. To achieve this goal the following tasks are set: - to analyze the value of databases as an object of legal relations; - to determine the public sphere of formation and use of databases; - identify public interests in the creation and use of databases in the field of state and local government; - to explore the concepts and features of the public database as a complex object of law; - to classify state and public databases; - to consider the issue of improving the legislation in the field of formation and use of state and public databases. Information legal relations arising in the field of creation, functioning, use of information of state and public databases as objects of information legal relations are the public relations regulated by norms of national and international law, differing in variety of subject structure, the basic maintenance of which is realization of the right to receive information on the activities of public authorities and local governments [4]. A public database can be defined as an orderly set of documents and other organizationally organized according to certain criteria and logically related reliable information in the field of state or municipal administration, access to and processing of which is carried out using information technology in terms of information security [5]. The set of interconnected legal norms that regulate the relatively independent branch of homogeneous social relations, which are formed on the formation and use of state and public databases, forms the legal institution of public databases. Legal norms of the named complex institute of information law integrate norms of various branches of law directed on effective legal regulation of the complex information relations arising concerning databases in the field of activity of public authorities. Key words: database, information, public authorities, local authorities, local governments, information law. List of used literature sources 1. Civil Code of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine of January 16, 2003 № 435-IV. URL. 2. On the National Informatization Program: Law of Ukraine of 04.02.1998 № 74/98-VR. URL. Text 3. Moroz M.V. (2020). Information resource as an object of public administration: content, principles and characteristics of the system. Public administration: improvement and development. № 1. URL. http: //www.dy.nayka. 4. Dovgan O. D. (2015). Information resources: national and state, content, concepts. Information and law. 3 (15). 85-91. 5. On approval of the Concept of creation and functioning of the information system of electronic interaction of state electronic information resources: Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 05.09.2012 № 634-r. URL.