The use of landscape design tools in the project-concept of the object «Green Way of Lviv» - the Citadel Complex
Students Name: Duda Nazarii Volodymyrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Design of Architectural Environment
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Duda N.V., Proskuryakov (supervisor) V.I., Bogdanova Y.L. (supervisor). The use of landscape design tools in the project-concept of the object «Green Way of Lviv» - the Citadel Complex. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. Today, technological development provides ample opportunities for communication and transportation. Progress solves many problems, but at the same time creates new ones. The current problems of cities in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century are the lack of free space, gas pollution, due to oversaturation with cars, chaotic construction, destruction of parks and green areas. Cars take up a lot of city space. For example, a lane 3 m wide and 25 m long can accommodate 4 cars (4-16 people), while the same lane can accommodate 22 cyclists, or 50 pedestrians, or 2 buses carrying 100 passengers. That is, the capacity of the streets depends on how many people move on it, not how many vehicles passed. Both medieval cities and relatively young cities suffer from traffic overload. One reason is that medieval cities were not designed for cars. The streets and distances between the houses were designed for people and horse transport. Horse-drawn vehicles and the first cars moved at low speed, so they did not pose a serious danger to pedestrians. The building corresponded to the human scale. An example of such a typology of buildings is the Lviv City Center. People subconsciously understand that this space is created for them, it is large-scale, promotes communication, trade and social interaction. New parts of the city, built on the utopias of the mid-twentieth century. were car centric. Wide main streets, avenues, and a lot of infrastructure for cars are being created. Man becomes hostage to long distances and pendulum migrations when you go to work every morning and return in the evening. Tens and hundreds of thousands of people live and work in cities under this scheme. Accordingly, during rush hours, the transport infrastructure can’t withstand such a load, resulting in congestion and accidents. To solve the problem, the first thing that may come to mind is to widen the streets, make more lanes, etc. But world practice shows that the option does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. Increasing the number of roads and lanes leads to an increase in the number of cars, and as a result, traffic jams only become longer and wider This problem began to gain momentum in the United States in the second half of the 20th century, and later became global. As a result, some cities have decided to fight the transport collapse, at first glance, by non-standard methods. Namely, to eliminate highways and turn what was once a highway into city parks and narrow streets. An example is Chongecheong (Seoul), where a highway was raised over a water canal, demolished and a park built instead. The canal has become a new magnet for residents and tourists, a new meeting place. In addition, the restoration of this public space has reduced noise levels and temperatures in the surrounding area. A successful solution to this problem is the development of the city by an intensive method, ie high-quality compaction and creation of a short-distance city with quality public transport and infrastructure for alternative transport. Where from home to work, shop, school, kindergarten, or any other function can be reached on foot, by bicycle, or by public transport quickly and predictably. So, looking at world experience, we can conclude that comfortable cities are those who choose an intensive strategy of spatial development. Short-distance cities with lots of greenery, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and people-oriented cities. The most convenient cities, such as Copenhagen or Vienna, are very successful in pursuing sustainable development policies. In them, the orientation in the design or construction goes to the person. Therefore, it is important to adopt and implement the principles of sustainable development in Ukraine, to develop cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, public transport, to create new public spaces, parks and squares. The master’s project on the topic: "The use of landscape design tools in the project-concept of the object" Green Way of Lviv "- the Citadel complex" presents the idea, arrangement of a green ring and a combination of parks in Lviv. This idea was proposed by Arnold Roering more than a century ago, but in the project it is interpreted in a modern way, and integrated into modern urban infrastructure. The territory of the Citadel is also considered in terms of sports infrastructure. It is planned to create a new stadium and sports grounds as a supplement to the existing sports function. From ancient times, the hills of the Citadel have been a place for Lviv residents to walk and relax from the hustle and bustle of the city. To continue and emphasize this tradition, the project proposes the creation of a one-storey restaurant with a view of the Park of Culture and in the future restored Pelchinsky pond. The object of research is the hilly area "Citadel", in the Halych district of Lviv. The city has a large number of parks, squares, and landscaped landscapes. But unfortunately, there is a poorly developed network that would connect these objects. Main streets and steep terrain make it difficult to reach pedestrians and cyclists, and in most cases make it impossible for people with limited mobility. The subject of research is the impact of the project on the sustainable development of the city. Integrating new connections, restoring old ones, revitalizing and rethinking certain parts of the city, creating new dominants and points of attraction, landmarks for the city and promoting the project to residents and tourists. The aim of the study: • promotion of sustainable development of the city, pedestrianization of the population and promotion of the use of alternative transport (bicycles, scooters); • creating a barrier-free and cozy green space that will connect the parks; • creation of a new place of rest for residents and guests of the city; • Preserving the memory of the tragic events of the Second World War. Keywords - citadel, green ring, corso, transport infrastructure, sustainable development, bicycle and pedestrian connections, sports function, recreation, restaurant, panorama, memorial, "Stalag 328". References: 1. T. Pinyazhko - Lviv Citadel, 2008 2. ISLAND PRESS - Global Street Design Guine