Research and improvement of tools for regulation of international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises
Students Name: Tkach Vsevolod Marianovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: International Business
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Tkach V.M., Vankovych L.Ya. (supervisor). Research and improvement of tools for regulation of international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises. Master`s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract From the point of view of the European strategy of Ukraine, the relevance of the issues of international cooperation of enterprises both in theoretical and methodological and in organizational and applied terms does not cause any doubts. This is confirmed by research and publications in recent years, which have partially identified the problematic issues of international cooperation, which show that the issue of modern borders with the EU and international cooperation of enterprises are among the highest priorities for domestic and foreign scientists, experts, numerous researchers centers, political elite, etc. Of particular relevance are the works of Ukrainian scientists who have studied various aspects of cooperation between the border regions of Ukraine. Considerable attention is paid to the methodological apparatus of the study of international cooperation of enterprises in the works of N.A. Mikula, O.S. Peredriya, Y.M. Pakhomov, S.I. Ustych, N. Nosy, M.M. Tovt, M.A. Lendel. , P.Yu. Studenyak and others [1]. The subject of the research is the tools of regulation of international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises, the object - LLC "Energy Saving Systems". The purpose of the master’s qualification work is to identify features, as well as research and improvement of tools for regulating international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises on the example of LLC "Energy Saving Systems"; substantiation of theoretical provisions and development of theoretical recommendations on the tools for regulating the international activities of LLC "Energy Saving Systems" in terms of international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises on the basis of practical experience. This goal is due to the need to solve the following tasks: generalization of theoretical provisions on the essence of the categories "international cooperation", "regulatory tools"; study of the legal framework on the selected problem in the context of international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises; analysis of indicators of production and economic and international economic activity of LLC "Energy Saving Systems". During the writing of the master’s thesis we used the following research methods: methods of analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction and abstraction, as well as methods of formalization; methods of monitoring, logical research, analysis and comparison; methods of research, observation and extrapolation. The structure of the master’s qualification work consists of four sections: the first considers the essence of the concept of "international cooperation", "regulatory tools", provides theoretical aspects of tools for regulating international cooperation, features of legal regulation of international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises. The total number of analyzed scientific publications and legal documents exceeds 50 publications, where, respectively, more than 5 sources in each case were published in 2020 [2-4]. The second section of the master’s qualification work considers the international cooperation of Ukrainian and Austrian enterprises and comparative characteristics of macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine and Austria. The third section of the work is devoted to the specifics of the activities of LLC "Energy Saving Systems", a thorough analysis of indicators of production and economic and international economic activity of the enterprise, an assessment of international cooperation. In the fourth section of the master’s qualification work alternative variants of development of international cooperation of LLC "Energy saving systems" are offered, the economic substantiation of the project action is carried out. At the end of the work the conclusions about the results of the conducted researches and the offered decisions are given. As a result of the implementation of both project measures (introduction of flexible export plans and change of payment forms for export contracts), the revenues of Energy Saving Systems LLC increase by UAH 2,395.5 thousand. and will amount to 44833.7 thousand UAH, the total profit of 120.274 thousand UAH and will amount to 6462,474 thousand UAH, and net profit by 98,625 thousand UAH (which will correspond to the performance of an individual task in + 1.9%). Key words: regulation, international economic cooperation, cross-border cooperation, international economic relations. References. Артьомова, В.І., ред. (2020). Транскордонне співробітництво України: стан, проблеми, перспективи. Ужгород: МПП «Гражда». Закон України "Про зовнішньоекономічну діяльність" із внесеними змінами від 15.08.2020 р. / [online]. – Режим доступу: [Дата звернення 10 Жовтень 2020]. Лакіза, В.В. (2018). Регулювання виробничо-господарської діяльності підприємств. Кандидат наук. Львів: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». Кузьмін, О.Є., та Мельник, О.Г. та Ноджак Л.С. (2011). Регулювання в системі процесно-структурованого менеджменту. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку , 720 , с. 3–9.