Research of traffic management ecological characteristics with use of simulation modeling

Students Name: Plesak Stepan Andriiovych
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Smart transport and logistics for cities
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Since the middle of the 20th century there has been a rapid development of motorization. As a phenomenon, it originated in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States, but is now common in most countries [1-2]. Despite several global oil and economic crises in the past, the automotive and automotive industries have adapted to new conditions and gained further development and popularity. At this time, road transport is one of the main sources of air pollution. The greatest negative impact of road transport on the environment is observed in large cities. This applies not only to emissions of harmful substances but also to noise pollution [3]. Although in the modern world there is a trend for hybrid and electric cars, on a global scale, if we talk about the fleet as a whole, the transition from large to large power units has not been completed [4]. All this indicates that in the near future the environmental situation will not change dramatically, especially due to changes in the structure of the fleet. Many European cities have already started to create alternatives for travel without the use of private cars, however, the successful implementation of such strategies is feasible for properly structured cities with appropriate geophysical conditions, investment in alternative infrastructure, etc. [5]. Cities that are distinguished by strong industry and focused on the gross production and maximizing profits are not so much focused on the convenience of living in them, due to the lack of population dynamics. This means that the change of transport paradigm is real and expedient in all European and Ukrainian cities. In such cases, it is necessary to assess the environmental schemes of traffic organization and take measures to improve them, as in certain cities or agglomerations this is the only way to improve the environmental situation, as the prospects for reducing the number of cars or their fleet structure are quite distant. Study object – urban street network. Scope of research – dependence of change of harmful emissions of motor transport on features of the organization of traffic at intersections. Goal of research: using the results of field research and modeling to determine the factors influencing the magnitude of harmful emissions from traffic flows moving on approaches to different types of intersections in the mode of infinite queue. The change of ecological characteristics of traffic flows according to different schemes of traffic organization at intersections, namely at variable modes of traffic light operation, arrangement of self-regulated intersection (roundabout) or lack of regulation (with priority of travel) is investigated. The change in the level of harmful emissions from traffic flows for different geometric and temporal parameters of each type of traffic organization is determined. The adequacy of the research results is confirmed by simulation modeling of changes in the level of harmful emissions and fuel consumption, depending on the peculiarities of traffic organization schemes. Key words - traffic organization, harmful emissions, regulated intersections, traffic light regulation, self-regulated intersection, limit interval, simulation modeling. References 1. Wang, Q., Phillips, N. E., Small, M. L., & Sampson, R. J. (2018). Urban mobility and neighborhood isolation in America’s 50 largest cities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(30), 7735-7740. 2. Banister, D. (2008). The sustainable mobility paradigm. Transport policy, 15(2), 73-80. 3. Black, D., & Henderson, V. (2003). Urban evolution in the USA. Journal of Economic Geography, 3(4), 343-372. 4. Nagatani, T. (2002). The physics of traffic jams. Reports on progress in physics, 65(9), 1331. 5. Klinger, T., Kenworthy, J. R., & Lanzendorf, M. (2013). Dimensions of urban mobility cultures–a comparison of German cities. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 18-29.