Influence of chassis design parameters on car controllability.

Students Name: Les Dmytro Oleksandrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Motor Vehicle Transport
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Les D.O, Kindratskyy B.I. (supervisor), Influence of chassis design parameters on car controllability. Master’s and qualification work. – NU "Lviv Polytechnic", Lviv, 2020. On the bigger characteristic of criminal movement provide constructive and operational parameters of the car, and also the driver, as elementary characteristics of controllability of the car. As a result of the study of the design parameters of the chassis on the controllability of the car is relevant for understanding the dynamic power systems of the car - the road. The object of research is the controllability of Ford Focus III 1.6 TDCi and Nissan 370 Z cars at unstable driving mode. The subject of the research is the influence of changing the parameters of the car chassis on its controllability when driving on curved sections of the road. The purpose of the study is to analyze the evaluation indicators and ways to ensure the controllability of the car on the turn and to investigate the impact of the design parameters of the chassis of cars Ford Focus III 1.6 TDCi and Nissan 370 Z on their handling. In the explanatory note of the master’s thesis the question of influence of constructive parameters of the chassis on controllability of the car is revealed. According to the received task in the first section the list of operational properties of the car and their influence on traffic safety is resulted. The design parameters of the car and their influence on operational properties are considered. The analysis of such operational property of the car as controllability is carried out. Also in this section the analysis of theoretical and experimental researches of controllability of the car is carried out. The explanatory note also includes a section on the analysis of evaluation indicators and ways to ensure the controllability of the car on the turn. Based on this, the processes associated with the rolling of the elastic car wheel are considered and the forces and moments acting on it are analyzed. As a study of the stability of the car on the turn is considered taking into account the influence of the force of the lateral removal of the wheels. The question of influence of lateral assignment of an elastic automobile wheel on car controllability, and accordingly and traffic safety is opened in more detail. With this in mind, the requirements and conditions for testing cars for controllability are given. For this purpose in the third section the technique of calculation of influence of parameters of the chassis of the car on its controllability is developed. Two cars with different types of wheel drive were selected as a study: front-wheel drive Ford Focus III 1.6 TDCi and rear-wheel drive Nissan 370 Z. The proposed calculation method is to analyze comparative cars in terms of design and technical parameters. The forces and reactions from the side of the road acting on the car are considered and calculated. The diagram of stability of the car at movement of the car on turn is calculated and constructed. The question of influence of geometrical parameters of the chassis of cars on critical speed of movement of the car moving on a curvilinear trajectory is also considered. Based on the research work, the explanatory note contains general conclusions and recommendations on the impact of the design parameters of the chassis on the handling of the car. Key words – car, controllability, chassis parameters, operational properties. 1. ГОСТ Р 51709-2001. Автотранспортні засоби. Вимоги безпеки до технічного стану та методи перевірки. - М .: Стандартинформ, 2010. - 42 с. 2. Діагностування автомобілів. Практикум: навч. посібник // під ред. А.Н. Карташевіча. - Мінськ: Нове знання; М .: ИНФРА-М, 2011. - 208 с. 3. Засоби діагностики і контролю автотранспортних засобів [електронний ресурс]. URL: 4. Технічне обслуговування та ремонт автомобілів: підручник для студ. // В. М. Власов, С. В. Жанказіев, С. М. Круглов та ін. – М.: Видавничий центр Академія, 2003. – 480 с. 5. Волков В.П., Вільський Г.Б. Теорія руху автомобіля. – Суми: Університетська книга, 2010. – 320с. 11. Вікович І.А. Теорія руху транспортних засобів: підручник / І. А. Вікович. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 672 с. 12. 13. 14. 7.