Construction of a nine-storey residential building in Khmelnytsky with an analysis of existing technologies for rolling roofs

Students Name: Tomashevskyi Mykhailo Ruslanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Urban Construction and Economy
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Annotations Tomashevsky M.R., Pentsak A.Y. ( head ). Construction of a nine-storey residential building in the city of Khmelnytsky with an analysis of existing technologies for rolling roofs. Master’s thesis. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended annotation The building is designed as a nine-storey building with a basement under the entire area of the house, and with dimensions in plan 22.79 x 12.6 m. The height of the first basement floor is 2.65 m, all other typical floors are 2.7 m. The house has a symmetrical layout and a simple geometric shape - rectangular. Structural scheme of the house - frame-brick, where the columns together with the horizontal monolithic belts form a frame with a load-bearing filling of brickwork. Transverse and longitudinal rigidity of the house are provided by transverse and longitudinal bearing walls, and also rigid interfloor overlapping. We accept ordinary red solid brick for walls - up to and including the 6th floor, above - hollow red. To calculate the foundation reinforced concrete monolithic slab, I collected the load on the structure in accordance with DBN B.1.2-2: 2006 "Loads and impacts". Upon completion of the collection of loads with this data performed the calculation of the plate in the PC "Monomakh". The next step in the calculation and design section was the manual calculation of the monolithic section of the prefabricated floor. The monolithic section is made of concrete of class C16 / 20, reinforcing rods of class A400C are used. In the technological section, three technological maps were developed for the main construction processes, namely the development of soil in the pit, the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete floors and insulation of the facade with expanded polystyrene slabs 100 mm thick. A calendar schedule for the main construction and installation works was also drawn up. It is estimated that the construction time of this facility is 182 days. In the economic section, I made a local estimate for the main construction and installation work. All calculations were made on the basis of prices and time norms for major construction works as of November 2020. I calculated the total cost of construction, which amounted to 17203555 UAH. The object of research - the existing rolled roofing materials (RRM). RRM are canvases downloaded into rolls. They are made with a width of about 1000 mm and a length of 7 to 20 meters. The length of the canvas is determined by the thickness of the material, which is usually from 1 to 6 mm. RRM should provide watertightness of a roof even at zero slopes, and the upper limit of the recommended slopes makes to 45 degrees. RRM is classified according to the following main features: a) on the structure of the canvas: - basic; - without the main; b) by type of base: - on a cardboard base; - on an asbestos basis; - on a fiberglass basis; - based on polymer fibers; - on a combined basis; c) by type of component of the coating mixture, binder or coating material: - bituminous (surfacing and non-surfacing); - bituminous-polymeric (surfacing and non-surfacing); - polymeric (elastomeric, thermoplastic); d) by type of protective layer: - materials with sprinkling (coarse-grained, scaly, fine-grained, dusty); - materials with foil; - materials with a film. The subject of research - the technology of modern RRM. Currently, when installing and repairing roofs with rolled bituminous-polymeric materials, several methods are used to attach them to the base: a) gluing on hot bituminous or on cold rubber-bituminous, bituminous-polymeric and polymeric mastics or glues; b) gluing with heating of an adhesive layer by a fire way, by means of special torches or the equipment of infrared radiation; c) gluing with rarefaction of the exfoliated layer with special solvents; d) gluing of a layer by means of the special glue provided for the period of transportation and storage by a protective covering (paper or a silicone film) which is removed at unrolling of a roll on the basis ready for gluing. The purpose of the study: economic feasibility, when choosing, rolled roofing materials. Based on the analysis of the economic feasibility of selecting the type of rolled roofing materials for the installation and repair of the roof of insulated roofs, it is established that it is economically advantageous to use: - bituminous RRM on buildings with a shelf life of not more than 8 years; - bituminous-polymer RRM on buildings with a shelf life of not more than 15 years; - polymer RRM on buildings with a shelf life of more than 15 years. The total cost of installation and repair of roofs made of polymeric materials is the lowest and is 59% of the bitumen-polymer RRM. Therefore, the experience of operation of roofs from bituminous rolled materials testifies to their short life. Every 4-5 years of operation of these types of roofs need major repairs. This is due not only to the low performance of the material itself, but largely the unreliability of the multilayer roll carpet. Therefore, the best option in terms of price and quality are polymeric roofing materials. Key words: technological map, column, brick, reinforced concrete monolithic slab, RRM, estimate. List of sources used: 1. DSTU B B.2.6-156: 2010 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of heavy concrete. Design rules ". 2. Technology of construction production: Course of lectures for students of engineering - construction profile / Encl .: Ya.Y. Kotsiy, Ph.D., Assoc. I.G. Ivanyk, Ph.D., Assoc. SI. Vihot, M.Sc. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House 2006.-94p. 3. DBN B.1.2-2: 2006. Loads and effects. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2006 4. DBN B.2.2-9-2009 "Public buildings and structures".