Research and Modernization of the Automatic Control System of the Corn Husks Drying Technological Process

Students Name: Izhyk Anhelina Borysivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Computer-Integrated Systems for Industrial Control
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Izhik A.B., Vashkurak Y.Z. (head). Research and modernization of the system of automatic control of the technological process of drying corn husks. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Extended abstract. Today, the world, and especially Ukraine, is in the stage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by fully automated production, where all processes are managed in real time and taking into account changes in external conditions. The most basic, fundamental task of the industrial revolution (namely, the Fourth) in the field of automation is the development of computer-integrated production management systems. KISK, in turn, provide a joint information space of the enterprise for an objective assessment of the state of technological processes, in which case - quick, timely adoption of the necessary actions, decision-making regarding management, development of a process implementation plan mainly from the point of view of the use of raw and energy resources, as well as to remove obstacles between the management level and the technological level, from the point of view of effective management of production and all processes. The main feature of KISK is the combination of the properties of traditional characteristics of automated process control systems (ASCP) and information technologies, thanks to which a more convenient communication interface between a person (operator) and a controlled machine is implemented. The most common problems of creating KISK at existing enterprises are the integration of the latest approaches to the construction of automation systems and existing technological equipment, in particular, local control systems. Today, the problem of the compatibility of software and technical tools is solved by using modern application programs, communication protocols and network technologies, Internet of Things tools. Therefore, when designing the KISK, it is necessary to apply scientific developments and practical skills in the field of designing information systems and ASKTP. As a result of the implementation of KISK, it is possible to ensure a more effective production management process due to the correct solution of problems focused on all subsystems of management of production technological processes. The object of research of this master’s thesis is the system automatic control of the technological process of corn dryingbards The subject of the research is the methods and algorithms for implementing a high-quality process of drying corn husks. The purpose of the research is to develop a computer-integrated control system for the drying process of corn husks in a fluidized bed dryer using modern approaches to its construction, as well as using modern technical and software tools. In this master’s thesis on the topic: "Research and modernization of the system of automatic control of the technological process of drying corn husks" various functional automation schemes for the implementation of the drying process were analyzed and such a scheme was selected that corresponds to the capabilities of the latest automation tools, and also provides technical economic indicators. In this work, why and which technical means of automation are chosen and analyzed are selected and analyzed. Also, the automation system operation program on the Siemens S7-1200 microprocessor controller was created and described. A functional process automation scheme, a circuit diagram of electrical connections, a SCADA system was developed, and a specification of automation technical means was developed. The calculation and modeling of the automatic temperature control system in the fluidized bed of the dryer was carried out. A conclusion to the master’s qualification thesis (MKR) has been drawn up.