Information system of automated selection of spare automobile parts

Students Name: Soroka Andrii Olehovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Information Systems and Technologies
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: During the development of information technologies in the modern world, there is a need to automate all processes related to accounting and management in the information system. The automation of such processes is a key factor in professional, qualified and high-quality conduct of activities in the field of trade, personnel management, and also contributes to attracting new and increasing the existing client base. Modern automated information systems allow: • increase the productivity of all personnel; • optimize work processes in the system; • improve the quality of service to the client base; • reduce the tension and labor intensity of the staff, as well as minimize the number of errors in their actions. Automation of information processes helps eliminate many routine operations, saves time, improves convenience and at the same time ensures work efficiency, provides users with new opportunities to work with previously unknown information [1]. Today’s use of information systems and technologies improves business efficiency and helps increase company profits. In the current conditions, automation is the most priority and relevant direction in the field of business process management. In particular, this applies to the automotive industry, where every year a huge number of cars are produced, the construction of which consists of more than a thousand different spare parts and components. Over time, some machine parts wear out significantly. In order to prevent the appearance of problems and breakdowns in the future, the driver needs to monitor the technical condition of the car and carry out its regular maintenance. And this means that the demand for auto parts and for these services will be consistently high [2]. Nowadays, there are many services that sell auto parts, all of them operate according to a similar principle, but the main drawback of many such systems is the difficulty when the client chooses the right part for his car. An obvious and effective solution would be the automation of the auto parts selection process. Among the advantages of the Internet system for the automated selection and sale of auto parts, the following can be distinguished: • convenience. The entire process of finding and ordering the necessary part takes place online, without the need to physically visit stores; • ease of choosing auto parts. The user does not need to understand the characteristics of his own car in order to choose the right spare part, the system will do it for him automatically; • savings and a large selection. The ability to offer a larger range of products and affordable prices for them [3]. During the work on the first chapter, a review of literary sources was conducted, the feasibility of system development was determined, a thorough analysis of the subject area was carried out, within which ready-made software solutions in the field of selection, search and sale of automobile spare parts were studied and their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. In the second chapter, a system analysis was conducted, which describes the key tasks and goals set for the system. A goal tree was built and its description was carried out. In addition, a conceptual model was developed and UML diagrams were constructed for a better understanding of the system. In the third section, the analysis and selection of system and software tools, which must be used to implement the future system and to solve the tasks set before it, was carried out. The fourth chapter shows the results of the work, describes and showes the practical implementation of the information system, which in turn confirms the functionality of the designed system and the compliance of the work results with the task. After each section, brief conclusions were drawn, and this master’s qualification work also contains a general conclusion that describes the results of all the work performed on the creation of this information system. The object of the research is the process of automated selection of automobile spare parts. The subject of the research is methods and means for implementing the process of automated selection of the necessary auto parts and their subsequent sale in the information system. The purpose of the research is the design and technical support of an information system for the automated selection of automobile spare parts and their subsequent sale. Also, the goal of the work is to increase the economic and social efficiency of the system by methods of quality application of software and hardware systems. Keywords: information system, information technology, auto parts selection, process automation. List of used literature sources: 1. Gardner A. 7 Benefits Of Business Process Automation. 2014. 2. McKinsey Global Institute. A future that works: Automation, employment, and productivity. 2017. 3. The Importance of Business Process Automation. Aberdeen. 2017. automation/