Information system for diagnosing diseases in stomatology

Students Name: Hrytsyk Oleh Anatoliiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Information Systems and Technologies
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Considering the realities of today’s time and the past, it is possible to assert that medicine is one of the key components for human life. Thanks to the development of technologies and their spread and introduction into different spheres, this branch has also undergone critical changes and has begun rapid development, due to which the quality and efficiency of conducting examinations has increased and in the further provision of medical care with the purpose of treatment of different types of diseases has been increased. Of course, the dental industry has not gone beyond innovation, and it can be argued that they were integrated into every component of it. Medical information system is a system intended for management and organization of information of a medical institution. This system facilitates the interaction of health care workers with patients. Medical information systems of different types are used in medicine: - Medical equipment and information systems; - Information systems in medical diagnostics; - Information systems of medical monitoring; - Treatment process management systems; - etc. For full working capacity, such systems require special medical equipment and direct contact with the investigated object. Medical hardware-computer systems contain three components: - Program component – responsible for developing information concerning the medical sector directly, for working on specific algorithms and sub-programs that operate in the system; - Medical component - component, which includes medical tasks, intended for determination of methods of estimation of a person’s condition and limits of influence of the system on object; - The umbrella - is responsible for receiving and processing information obtained through medical research, measurement of human condition, etc. [1]. The object of the research is diagnosis of diseases in dentistry. The subject of the study is the mechanism intended for recording medical cards of patients in electronic format, taking into account the fact that the patient is able to determine possible diagnosis by filling in the form with questions, and the doctor has an opportunity to edit the patient’s card. The purpose of this work is to develop an information system that would allow to conduct the recording of the patient’s medical card in electronic format in dental institutions with the introduction of additional functions in it, to determine probable diagnoses, to organize the working process for simplification of interaction between patient and doctor, and his work. To achieve the goal set for this work, the following tasks were solved: to carry out the process of analysis of different literary sources and to further define methods, means and algorithms of problem solving; - to carry out system analysis of the object of this research, having constructed a tree of goals, concretization of system functioning, hierarchy of processes; - to define the purpose of development and purpose of the system being developed, to show expected effects of system implementation, to create a conceptual model of the system with a description of system functions and structure, to set requirements to the system; - to make a choice of methods and means necessary for solving the problem; - practically implement the program for information system of diagnostics of diseases in stomatology. The implemented system is called "Information system of diagnostics of diseases in stomatology". This system can be used in any private dental clinic. It simplifies the interaction of patients and doctors, treatment and record-keeping of patients. This system operates in two modes: - doctor mode; - patient mode. In the doctor mode, you can perform functions such as patient list, medical card editing, personal information editing, working schedule, etc. In patient mode, features such as health card review, symptom-based diagnosis, physician work schedule review, personal information editing, etc. are available. Key words: Dentistry, disease, doctor, patient, clinic, medical information system. List of used literature sources: 1. СУЧАСНІ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ В МЕДИЦИНІ [Electronic resource]. Access mode: