Information system of the online library

Students Name: Teliachyi Vadym Yuriiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Information Systems and Technologies
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to create an online library information system with a user-friendly design and using modern technologies. The object of study are the processes in online libraries that occur in modern software. The subject of research is the information system of online library. Rapid changes in business, society and communications have led to the active development of information technology and technology companies that dictate new conditions and rules for successful business. Information systems nowadays are a major business asset both because of the benefits they provide and their high cost [1]. Therefore, organizations must plan for the long term when they acquire information systems and services that support their business plans. At the same time, businesses must respond quickly to new opportunities as soon as they arise. Successful business requires proper management of financial and organizational data and statistics through quality information systems [2]. Companies often face slow work processes due to data problems related to data reliability and accuracy. Indeed, in the business world there is no substitute for the right information at the right time. This has prompted the development of systems that can be used to make information accurate, timely and easily accessible. With effective information systems, an organization can make better decisions, plan better and ultimately achieve better results. After reviewing four well-known online libraries that have similar functionality and are popular [3] (Project Gutenberg, Open Library, Google Books and PublicBookshelf), I realized that all available tools contain a fairly large list of available books, but most of them have inconvenient design and not great user interface. There are also very few libraries with a large amount of Ukrainian-language content. The system analysis of the online library information system consisted of creating usage, class, sequence, state, activity, component and deployment diagrams. Thanks to this, it is easier to analyze and structure the existing functions, strengths and weaknesses of the prototype, as well as further improvement of the existing system. After the analysis, it became obvious that adding your personal books and having a personal account where you can conveniently store and organize them all is the most attractive component of the informational system from the user’s point of view. Another important component is the ability to make reviews to books, a rating system and a forum system where users could exchange opinions and suggestions for books. For the software implementation of the information system, the JS programming language was chosen, MongoDB with MongoDB Cloud storage was chosen for the database. For the server part, NodeJS with the Express library was chosen for ease of use. For interaction with the database and the Front-end part, the Mongoose library was chosen because of its simplicity and ease of use for developers. The system will act as a web application, which will simplify its optimization for different devices and users. The information system has a convenient and intuitive interface, cross-platform possibilities, due to the possibility of access through a browser from most devices. Also, this informational system has good performance, thanks to the use of modern technologies and scalability to add new functionality in the future. In the future, in order to improve the informational system, it will be possible to add chat, communities, the possibility to sell your books, communication between users of this informational system, and the ability to leave feedback to books. All the possibilities for improving the information system are build into its architecture. Keywords: information system, business processes, library, books, online library, JavaScript, web application. List of used literary sources: 1. ECPI University Reasons Why Information Systems Are Important for Business Today [Electronic resource] / ECPI University. – 2020. – Access mode: 2. Nicole LaMarco Information Technology & Its Uses in Business Management [Electronic resource] / Nicole LaMarco. – 2018. – Access mode: 3. Hillary Lopez 20 Best Free Online Libraries [Electronic resource] / Hillary Lopez. – 2022. – Access mode: